Is There a Cure For Herpes or Genital Herpes?
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted viral infection (STD) that is caused by virus known as herpes simplex virus Type 2 (HSV-2). The physical manifestation of this infection is blisters with pone sores on and around the genitals; it can affect both men as well as women. Visit our website to find out more about the cure, links are at the bottom.
In the infected person, the virus remains latent for about a week after which it becomes active when it multiplies profusely. Initially, when the person get infected for the first time, he/she experiences severe pain. Other symptoms associated with genital herpes are fever, muscle pain or ache, severe headaches, painful urination, vaginal discharge and swollen nodes in the groin.
When the blisters heal, the viruses moves to the nerve cells where they remain in dormant form multiplying.
The virus can migrate to the mucus membrane to produce new blisters. The symptoms are les severe during the later phase; the patient experiences tingling sensation along with inflammation.
As with oral herpes, activation of the latent viruses can be cause by over exposure to sunlight, illness accompanied by fever, hormonal changes and stress. It must be mentioned that both the primary and activation phase can occur without any symptoms and the person appears healthy; he/she can however, transmit the infection. In case of infected mother, she can spread the infection to the infant during vaginal delivery (this condition is known as congenital or neonatal herpes). Such infection can lead to neurological problems as well as blindness; delivery by caesarian operation is advised in such cases.
An individual experiencing the symptoms of genital herpes should seek medical help as early as possible, especially if he/she get this for the first time.
Individuals with herpes infection should avoid exposure to sunlight or heat, wear comfortable and loose fitting clothes. Because this infection is very contagious, affected persons should avoid sexual contacts.
The question of, is there a cure for herpes is finally awnsered at our website where we also talk about a genital herpes cure, come visit us by clicking the blue link or go to: