Trip to emphasis low carbon energy-saving environmental protection industry in China – the chemical industry

Industry and Information Technology vice minister Miao Wei on the 14th National Industrial Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization in the work of the meeting revealed heavy metal contamination, ammonia and nitrogen oxides on the people greater safety and environmental hazards of pollution emissions, may be included in the "12 5" target. This is an important signal that our energy reduction pollution of the scalpel to cut straight contaminated industrial body "extensive internal organs."

Industry is China's "energy polluters." Industrial energy use accounts for Energy 70% of total consumption. Industrial chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions from the country's total emissions accounted for 38% and 86%. Therefore, the implementation of energy saving in China, promote low-carbon Economy Emphasis in the industrial.

Ease pressure on our resources, improve ecological environment, to reverse the excessive consumption of material resources to rely on the growth mode is the industry's social responsibility and development mission. At the expense of resources and environment at the expense of extensive growth mode, while in the development of our country paid a heavy price. Industrial solid waste production and stock piles are rapidly increasing year by year, especially in the growing stock of heavy metal waste pile not only takes up a lot of land and a security risk, but also seriously affect the surrounding air and water quality, potential harm is huge.

The acceleration of industrial energy efficiency Environmental protection Technological progress, accelerate the development of green products, is to enhance China's international competitiveness of products and industries and demand. Present original supporting the rapid development of China's industries some comparative advantages such as energy prices, transportation costs, labor costs have begun to weaken, and the United States and Europe and other States to "re-industrialization" will inevitably lead to more severe competitive situation, and to energy efficiency, environmental protection and green, low carbon core consumer preferences, international trade rules is taking shape. Of particular concern is to make energy saving and low-carbon technologies is characterized by barriers to trade protectionism is on the rise. Highly dependent on exports of Chinese industry to win the international competition, can only accelerate the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry, increase energy conservation efforts, the entire process of production of energy-saving environmental protection, to provide energy-saving environmentally friendly products.

China's industrial development is urgently required within the energy-saving environmental protection as an important part of upgrading the industrial structure adjustment. Financial crisis China's consumption of resources and polluting heavy weight Chemical industry Industry have a serious impact, structural energy consumption dropped to decline target completion in 2009 played an important role in energy consumption. But with the resumption of economic growth, a rebound in energy consumption of some of the heavy chemical industry trend, some industries in the elimination of the backward production capacity, the strong investment momentum and market demand, the credit support to resume production. In the context of large-scale investment, if you do not use advanced technology, equipment and development of ideas behind the production infrastructure, once completed, will be throughout the life cycle is locked in the high energy consumption, high pollution and high emissions path. Develop energy-saving environmental protection industry and foster industry competitiveness, is the industry crisis, the preferred destination for the healthy development of strategic choice.

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