Analysis of Illustration and padlock the doors and windows accessories tips – windows and doors, padlocks, accessories – building materials industry

Marble structure class padlock Padlock, is the oldest lock in the world's largest family can be said to come from other locks the padlock in the proliferation of these categories derived. Padlock lock body connected with the ring may deduct or "one" in the shape of the metal stem, or "lock beam" so that the padlock through the locking beam and the lock button connected directly to a closed-shaped lock

Because of this structural features, determined the padlock easy to use flexible and versatile. It can replace the other locks, while others can not replace the padlock lock function, it is an ideal hedge against locking device, but the padlock must be closed convex objects are pieces of each button hole closed access to role play, do not have the internal and external functions can be closed and opened, it can not be applied in certain situations, such as demanding in some decorative or requires auxiliary lock of occasions, generally should not use the padlock.

Padlock classification Padlock varieties and specifications of more general decision by the width of the lock locks the size, the level of the decision by the lock beam lock purposes, according to the padlock to open straight, horizontal opening, top opening, two-way open and so open decided to lock in the series.

Our common padlocks are generally open with straight, horizontal open two open way.

Shanghai's production of stainless steel shell lock is opened by horizontal form, there is a less open approach adopted,

The key slot when the key in the lock cylinder, the upward pumping without rotation can open the lock, known as the "top lock," the embrace of such a padlock is especially suitable for carrying babies or hanging out open items were not put down use. The so-called "double open padlock" refers to the two keys to open when the work required to open the locks, the secret performance, suitable for both be kept, they both attended the occasion to open locks, such as warehouse, treasury, etc. .

Padlock classification In addition to press to open the way

padlock (straight open, horizontal opening, top opening, double opening) classification, we can also lock the internal structure of categories, there are more common ways:

Use of such locks Cylinder Type billiards obstacles within the lock cylinder, so that the lock cylinder can not rotate, to the role of atresia. Marble structure is one of the lock structure used. A kind of lock metal lock body is stacked and to give people the feeling of thick solid, known as "Puff the lock", but its internal structure is marble structure, so it is a marble structure type padlock.

Lock blade structure Use of such lock the sheet metal shapes from the barrier effect, have the purpose of locking, alloy lock zinc alloy or words are often used in such structures.

Padlock magnetic structure Based on magnetic repulsion principle, using a magnetic lock cylinder system, the pin in the lock cylinder fitted between the tank and a magnetic board with the same key to the constant magnetic metal separators, the key is not direct contact with the insurance sale, when no Magnetic slot smoothly into the lock cylinder key slot spins, the key touch metal partition, resulting in a strong repulsive force, will open the lock easily. In addition, also uses the principle of magnetic attraction, suction tight metal plate, open the lock by spring.

Padlock chain structure Lock by the main lock and vice composition, the main role of Vice-locks of the mutual insurance. Connect two vice that is the main lock to lock, only to open and remove the two Vice-lock, master lock to open. No structure padlock

Lock the lock in the installation of a skateboard body shell, the holes and slots connected, mobile, and turning the dial and the rotating device is connected, turn the device with teeth-like or cam-shaped metal blade can rotate and move as long as the quasi-number dial, locks can be opened on their own, these locks without keys.

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