Outdoor digital signage using an LCD enclosure

Outdoor digital signage does not have to be in an obvious outside location, this is why an outdoor Lcd enclosure is sometimes overlooked.

When human beings see they words outside digital signage, the prompt thought that comes to the other persons mind is outdoors in a shopping mall, airport or train station, but from time to time other individuals mean other sites rather than in the home, one example is in a cave.

Sounds mad but one successful firm has deployed digital outdoor signage in a cave in Spain, this is employed by schools on educational visits and the digital signage is interactive in some parts, depicting stick men and dinosaurs. But the real challenge was that general equipment could not cope with the harsh conditions in the cave, the constant damp climate, this slowed the project for some time.

Then they found that by putting the digital outdoor signage into lcd monitor enclosures everything would be safe and secure.

What makes digital signage enclosures the perfect system is that it is created from metal and the unit will store a media player or small computer and the LCD or plasma display. The inner temperature of the TV casing is maintained through a set of cooling and heating units that are thermostatically controlled, providing the equipment inside the steel case with the defence necessary from the harsh environment as well as any potential vandalism.

Just one thing to check out if you are thinking of putting in an outdoor digital signage system in a cave, is that due to the low light levels, you can certainly use standard LCD and plasma televisions without any loss of quality. This is another good reason why an outdoor dynamic marketing solution should be fitted in caves that are used for education and visitor centres.

The digital signage solution can show educational data then interspersed with ads for the souvenir shop or the eaterie, it can also be used to communicate information to a school party should someone go missing.

The author is the leading manufacturer of a range of LCD enclosure, their range of LCD enclosures offer all the protection needed for outdoor use.

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