Making Money Online Requires that you Establish a Niche

Making Money Online Requires that you Establish a Niche
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Figuring out what your buyers are looking for is the best way of getting them to your blog. The traffic that you direct through your online business should be directly proportional to the number of people that are looking for the topic you cover on your site. Knowing the size of your potential audience is the most efficient way of establishing where to position your business. Although this sounds complicated, it’s actually just a process of working out what keywords people are using, whether the niche you have carved for yourself online is profitable enough to earn a decent living, and ascertaining the best products for you to promote to attract customers to your site.

Which Keywords Should You Be Using to Make Money?
Start by listing the top ten phrases that relate to your products and services. You can then work out how many people search for each item on your list, using the WordTracker keyword tool, ( or the Overture keyword tool (

Your primary keyword should have at least 10,000 search or more per month. Anything less and you simple won’t have enough traffic to make any kind of money.

Makeing the Most Money of a Keyword
Finding out whether there is potential business in each keyword is a simple matter of running each of your keyword phrases through the key search engines – Google, Yahoo, and MSN – to see how many adverts feature for each subject. Although you might imagine that you should be choosing the least popular with advertisers, the opposite is true. The higher the number of adverts, the more demand there will likely be for your particular project.

Choosing the Best Products
Once you have worked out the best keywords to use on your site, and established the profitability of each, the next step is to decide which of your products you should be promoting. Your list of keywords provides a great indicator of the best items to market, and the rest is mainly down to personal preference. Select according to convenience, your confidence, and what you think will work to generate revenue. If that product turns out to be ineffective, switch until you find a profitable product.

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