Spinal problems – Answer in Ergonomics

One of the most common problems today faced by human’s anatomy is its spine. The acute change in every day’s routine has made spine problems to become more compiling and aggravated. Younger generations are having slip discs, a problem which was not known earlier. The reason is that as the more the world is becoming more advanced, more work load is being put over their backs, in both literal and physical sense.
Thus, the problem seems to be a poor work environment. The companies fail to provide sustainable designed work places, which weakens the human body. Just think of a person working on an uncomfortable chair for eight hours a day; apparently he or she will end up with a back pain at the end of the day. The result is a permanent spine problem in future.
Ergonomics is the solution to all physical problems, especially the spine problems and back pain. Ergonomics is a name of all the human embracing factors to the environment, to lessen the pain caused by work. It refers to designing the work environment in a way that it minimizes the pain caused in the body parts. Biometrics, Anthropometry, and Anthropology when combined with ergonomics creates a solution for every working and non-working environment. Firms and offices, which kept a cut off price and gave less importance to safety and healthy environments, have learned how to embrace this today. This is because the Human Resource officials have taken care of these problems, and they too now know that having a healthy environment plays a vital role in controlling efficiency.
Comfort in every chair varies, some are more comfortable and some are less, but the best chairs are those that keep the back straight and keep the spinal posture in its original shape and form. The perfect technique to improve any efficiency is by improving the human function in which the spinal cord is the frame of all the body movements.
It’s an irony that we can’t blame our furniture as the cause of the back pain and aches. But the assertive part of it is that we have the ability to design it in a better way, and that is what ergonomics is all about. If we look at the spine, its shape is fluid, making an outer curve near the neck and an inner curve near the waist. Thus, the design of the furniture should be a little flexible, so that it keeps the fluidity of the spine in motion and cause less spine problems.
Designers today are more focusing on the looks of the objects, rather than the function. This has eradicated the essence of things that designers used to design. The main function of a designer is to solve problems that tend to hurdle the environment and human itself ergonomically. Thus, having a compatibility of placing knees near to hips tends to help the curvature of a human stature and will save you from the back pain. The simplest way to solve this problem is to use a stool whose base is higher than a typical stool. If you notice spine problems act fast and seek professional help.

Spine Problems

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