China's auto industry: the continuous development of new trends in the eight highlighted – Car and Development – Hardware industry

For China's auto industry, 2007 is undoubtedly a good sign. Upstream and downstream through a chain of auto industry has been gradually formed, the Chinese car already tender from the manic to calm the mature and rational. In the process of integration into the international market, China's auto industry, highlighting new trends in the eight, is a step by step approach Physiognomy.

Entered a period of innovation-led Over the years, the gradual deepening of China's auto industry and restructuring process, has truly entered the innovation-driven stage of development. 20 years, China's auto industry is basically going to rely on the introduction of a road to promote the rapid development of industry. However, the cultivation of autonomy is relatively weaker. The problem has become clear that China's auto industry has not capacity for independent innovation is difficult to continue walking.

Period of innovation-led, more should be thinking about strategies. Innovation is not just a technical problem, it is a include economic, cultural and social development, including the overall strategy.

The new era of joint debut
This year, the auto industry joint ventures, restructuring of the theme keep occurring. In Chery, Hafei, Changfeng to multinational giants such as looking after the domestic large army is also simmering. The number of independent brands to avoid falling into foreign control of the joint venture is the "hidden rules", a new round of auto industry, "a joint venture boom" the biggest suspense left to the outside world.

Pattern analysis from the market, "6 +3" multinational auto giants had almost run out of two joint ventures in the Chinese market places, but also left the joint venture partners of foreign car companies are less and less. Joint venture by a new round of restructuring, the automotive industry to further activate the production can be expected to out of the "excess capacity" in the shadows.

Transfer of manufacturing to the west
Recently, with the SAIC Iveco Hongyan, Brilliance, FAW – people have set up factories in the West, led to an automotive industry boom transfer to the west. Domestic automobile enterprises to achieve strategic intent means nothing more than the west, there are two: one is the direct construction of a production project, the other is the way to merger and reorganization. Fought in the west, on the one hand because of low local production costs; the other hand, can save logistics costs and shortening time to market, from the popular western car market share.

Car enterprises invariably chosen southwest city of Chengdu, Chongqing, Chengdu and Chongqing cities because of the density of the western economy 14 times the average economic density. Select Chengdu, means selecting the western high ground.

Government Procurement own brand 7 month, FAW Car Pentium received from central government departments in recent years, the largest independent brand high-class cars purchase orders. Pentium only that, the central government this year announced the central government organs in 2007-2008 cars and Supply Project, including Red Flag, China, BYD 13 nationalities, including successful independent brands have been incorporated into the broader market in government procurement.

This is a clear signal, the state support for the automobile brand will continue to increase government procurement to the specific embodiment. Once the government started using a self-branded cars, the Government will become the Spokesman of own-brand cars, which run for China's own brand is the Distinguished opportunity.

OEM OEM into a new turning point
7 4, the turbulent waves of OEM Chrysler, Chery was finally Hammer Word. In this Cooperation China, Chery is not simply "work", but "OEM." This is undoubtedly a novel mode of cooperation is of great significance. Chery A1

earliest years on the paste in Chrysler, "Dodge" brand into South America, two years, exports to the U.S. market, this will be the first domestic car to enter the U.S. market, which is an encouraging breakthrough . China's auto industry entered a new turning point, signaling the advent of increased competition and China's automobile into overseas markets began.

"Transfer time" seems ready
2007 At least 850 million new cars into the market, the ratio of the second car will account for one fifth of the strong auto market has officially entered the transfer times. First half year, second-hand car market transaction volume growth, higher average transaction value in 5900 yuan a year earlier, and has continued to rise.

Survey showed that 40.3% of people believe that the use of vehicles to 5 years time when the best transfer, transfer cycle, 71.2% will be locked in 3-5 years. Transfer into the second half of this year, a peak of emission standards as part of the country implementation of the new replacement used car faster, and this trend will continue.

The rise of automobile parts cluster
After years of sustained development, China's rapid development of automotive components production cluster – Kunshan, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Dongguan, Wuhu, Anhui, Jilin, Changchun, Shiyan, Hubei and other auto parts industrial base expanded rapidly. Cluster production and distributed production than the least of the following advantages: a wider market, collaboration is more convenient and lower production costs, exchange more and more preferential policies.

The experts pointed out that industrial clusters are becoming very important to regional economic growth. Concentration of these parts production base construction, the development of China's auto parts industry has played an active role.

Joint venture independent repairer 7 19, the Guangzhou Honda Automotive Technology and Research Development Corporation was officially announced the upcoming launch of their own independent brand cars. This is by far, the joint venture in the local community are taking on the most innovative step forward.

A long time, a popular view was that joint ventures can not produce their own brands, because technology is foreign, and foreign have the brand strength, foreign joint ventures will not agree to use the new brand. The broad pattern of the independent repairer came breakthroughs in a number of the old framework, reflected from one aspect of China's automobile industry to market for technology's strategic intent.

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