Forget Those Body Building Stereotypes
No body building routine is complete if you do not back it up with a balanced and healthy diet. This means that body building is exactly like every other form of exercise or sport. If you really want to be healthy you need to eat nutritious, balanced and healthy foods. Junk food doesn’t cut it if you need a snack: choose fruit, veggies or whole grains instead. Chemical ingredients and high fructose corn syrup are your enemies. These work against your muscles. When you workout you are basically tearing down your muscles and then letting them build back up–healthy foods are key to making sure your muscles can do just that.
Set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to build your body too fast. Choose goals that are reachable while staying healthy. This will help you feel satisfied with the progress your making and keep your spirits up while you work.
Keep setting goals: set new ones as you achieve the ones you have in place. Setting reasonable and reachable goals keeps your motivation up and keeps you from being tempted to do something stupid like taking a shortcut. Always remember: your muscles need to be strengthened before they can be built. If you try to build up too quickly it will be easy to hurt yourself of feel helpless about being able to meet the goals you set for yourself.
Before every workout you need to do a total warm up. You need to stretch all of your muscles out before it will be safe to start doing your lifting (or other types of exercise). Warming up your muscles will keep you from tearing them or accidentally injuring them later. It is also much easier to work out with a warmed up muscle than it is to work out with a “cold” muscle. Cold muscles are stiff and resistant to strain. Warmed up muscles are loose muscles which makes them better prepared to take the stress of exercise. You don’t need to do a particularly long warm up, but you need to make sure that you stretch all of your muscles out.
Body building has almost taken on a negative connotation in the last few decades. The truth is that body building is a legitimate form of exercising and it can be a great way to get your body healthy and in shape. If you want to get healthier you will need to get regular exercise, period. The fact is that your body and muscles need to be used regularly if they are going to stay healthy (and keep you as fit as you want to be).
I really get into keeping up on self-defense and a critical aspect of that is staying fit and strong. Writing about things like bodybuilding helps me learn. Another of the ways I work on self defense is by watching filmed indidents I have a collection of those at my personal site called Fight Tribe