An Integral Part of Overall Health
Although hearing loss can occur as a normal part of the aging process, there are many other factors that can contribute to hearing loss in people of all ages. Having one’s hearing checked regularly should be as routine as visiting our family physician, optometrist or dentist. Aside from natural hearing loss, prevention and early detection play important roles in preventing continued deterioration. Not being able to understand what people around you are saying greatly affects our ability to fully participate in both social and professional situations. Hearing loss affects not only the person suffering from it but also all the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. This can result in much frustration and often ends up with a gradual withdrawal from social activities. There are definite signs to look for that may indicate the start of hearing loss and if the following occur either in combination or just one or two seem to be happening with great frequency, a simple hearing test will be able to determine whether a hearing aid is advised.
- It is difficult to hear someone speaking while your back is turned to them
- More and more people seem to be mumbling when they speak
- Family and friends complain that you are speaking to loudly
- Ringing in the ears
- It is becoming increasingly difficult to carry on a telephone conversation
- You find yourself asking people to continually repeat themselves
- Although you grasp much of the conversation, you are not able to understand all the words being said
- You stop hearing everyday sounds such as the door bell or an alarm clock
- You find your family constantly asking you to turn down the TV or the radio
- Following the conversation in crowds or large groups of people becomes increasingly difficult
Many people feel self conscious about not being able to hear properly and often take it as a personal failing. Just as we wouldn’t ignore a tooth ache or a sudden unexplained pain, any hearing loss also calls for a visit to a professional. A simple trip to a hearing loss clinic can determine if in fact you are experiencing hearing loss or if there may be a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Some hearing loss can also be of a temporary nature and is often caused by:
- Ear infection
- Build up of earwax
- Allergies
- Sinus issues
It is important to understand that about 1 in 10 people actually suffer some form of hearing loss and that less than 30% are age 65 or older. Hearing loss also seems to be more prevalent in males and can occur at any age.
Any noticeable difference in hearing should always be taken seriously in order to prevent possible further damage. Your family health care provider will be able to determine if you require a hearing aid or if there is some other medical condition which needs to be taken care of. The ability to hear properly can affect every aspect of our lives and making an appointment to have your hearing checked regularly can help prevent more serious problems down the road.