Wiley CPA Review Course – Is It Worth Purchasing?

The Wiley CPA review course is a well known, widely used study system that has helped numerous students to pass the CPA exam. It has been released regularly for more than 30 years and is available in a two-volume and four-volume format.

The two volume edition concentrates on strategies, tips and study outlines in the first volume while the sample questions and answers are available in the second volume. The two-volume course is updated every June so you know you are receiving updated questions, information and implementation of changes in the most recent edition.

The four-volume format takes the structure of the CPA exam. Each volume covers one of the four sections, that is, FAR, AUD, BEC or REG. It enables you to select the sections for which you are sitting. This format provides convenience because you can revise one volume at a time as you are revising for each specific section. The four-volume books are republished every December, which means you are always getting the most up-to-date information.

The Wiley CPA review course makes use of various materials to make your study more effective and to ensure you make the most of your chance to pass the CPA exam. It includes Focus Notes with questions that help you figure out key concepts in each section. These can be purchased as a set or per section, depending on your requirements. These notes are well researched and provide discerning answers to relevant questions on various accounting techniques. You can easily take them anywhere as they come in a spiral bound flash-card format.

Wiley also include audio CDs as another study material and they are again available as either a package or individually. The lesson plans are delivered in a clear, concise and appealing way.

Wiley include the How to Master Simulation series where they focus on the best way to handle simulation questions. These are made available via a CD-ROM.

The Mastering Account Research program provided by Wiley makes a considerable difference as it enables you to sharpen your research method. This program gives very practical methods of handling issues having to do with research. The course ensures you are comfortable with how the test is administered and that you make adequate preparations.

Judging by the assessments given by students who have used Wiley products, they seem to be popular and highly relevant for CPA exam preparation. Naturally, the four-volume version is the most recommended as this follows the structure of the CPA exam. The CDs also help encourage learning and knowledge retention. The tips, guidelines and pointers given in each volume are presented in a simple, practical and coherent way. So if you are considering buying a Wiley CPA review course, make sure to check out the 4-volume review guides and CDs, which combined will make the best combination of Wiley’s CPA study materials.

The best thing about Wiley CPA course materials is that they are the cheapest amongst all popular CPA exam review courses. If you don’t mind spending a lot of study time, Wiley’s materials will give you value that cannot be beat.

Find out more about the Wiley CPA Review Course at CPAReviewCourse.org.

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