Louis Vuitton 2009 series bags 1048 yellow

What about your impression to LV? I guess that you may use many high-praised words to describe it. Indeed, as a trend leader for long time in the world of high fashion, Louis Vuitton represents the top quality in craftsmanship and focus to detail.

Louis Vuitton never stop to releasing new lines and bags. The designers of LV Shoulder Totes have created so many classic collections. LV’s most classic collection is Monogram Canvas, which we are completely unfamiliar. Now let’s give you an introduction of replica Louis Vuitton handbags that’s belong to Monogram Riveting collection.

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From my point of view, I was really attracted by the LV Shoulder Totes bags, they are so magnificent. The cute pouch from LV riveting collection is created by Marc Jacobs, and it’s the best suitable bag for girls . Its design is completely modern fashion. It’s hard for you to reject the cute style of the stunning rivets. As for LV, the designers have their own brand value, even for their bags. Louis Vuitton are so durable and have strong power for water-proof and fire-proof.

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It relates to their special material. What they used for their bags are not leather or other common materials, they use a special material called “Canvas” and add one more material called “PVC” to enhance its water-proof. It is not easy fray. And what’s more, they already stand their position in the market for one hundred and fifty years. From the start, they oriented to the royalty and noble market. That is also why Louis Vuitton Shoulder Totes enjoy high report. One more, because for Louis Vuitton bags, each of them is made by hand, therefore it limits the production speed.

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