Exhibition Project Management Case Germany – German exhibition, the fair management, exhibition practice – the toy industry

If a large number of exhibitions abroad, continue to accumulate a large scale is the result of domestic exhibition industry is still in early stages of development, many of the domestic exhibition currently not in scale to compete with foreign old show, then the foreign success of the new legislation band show What new revelation to us then? Level as a leading exhibition in the end what features it should have?

  First, change?? Meet the needs of the dynamic adjustment of industry exhibition themes

Enjoy the show, said the industry barometer of real-time tracking needs of the industry show their latest developments, timely adoption of new legislation, points out, expand and adjust the exhibition themes merged, so that show has always maintained strong vitality.

Case playback: 1. Hardware Fair in Cologne exhibition as adjusted for the two-year period after the Asia-Pacific region to meet the European market and business traders to facilitate the procurement of both European and American demand for the first time in Cologne Cologne hosted the Asia-Pacific Exposition.

2.2004 start INTERKAMA (process control automation and Manufacturing Automation Industry Exhibition) unveiled Hanover Fair, in fact, equal to the merger of two exhibitions, the combined coverage of Hanover Fair broader, more comprehensive subject matter, and As INTERKAMA Hanover Industrial Fair, you can use more large customer resources and influence, this powerful combination to benefit first automated process control and manufacturing automation industry, the industry will benefit from natural reaction to show the operation of the formation of positive interaction.

3. With the concept of enterprise logistics gradually extend the original as the Hanover Industrial Fair theme CeMAT one of the last to be isolated, will be a separate exhibition in October this year.

4. Nuremberg Toy Fair organizers of the show in 2004, once the "outdoor products are a separate set zone" on the audience to seek an audience survey in part, the results showed that 53% of the professional visitors and buyers on the outside of this area of particular interest . Therefore, the organizers quickly respond to the Expo in 2005, the outdoor recreation area as a separate product. Reason is that, of course, changes in market demand, in recent years, outdoor sports, sports fun, and German society in the "overweight children" issues are a fair source of new marketing theme.

Second, aggregation?? Carefully planned theme of the show a "Show Group"

Carefully planned theme of the show, each show to give the industry an accurate positioning, so the show the show from a number of themes stand out with no doubt the show has become a core branding. German exhibition industry from developed to developing consumer products, from education to tourism exhibition show, without exception, pay attention to establish a distinct flavor of the times of the exhibition themes, to the trade and the audience with a deep impression. In contrast, many domestic small exhibition theme at the show distinctive characteristics of the fuss and time.

Any one company can not show all of the exhibition industry has the advantage, so a few selected target sectors of the industry and related industries do show deep do fine, a "group exhibition," is In these industries to ensure their leading position in the show the necessary means.

German exhibition exhibition focus on the use of different strategies to build brand image, "group exhibition," show similar mining-related topics in common, given the show the same or similar market position to use the same or similar marketing strategy, services in close contact with each other's target market. This exhibition is not only beneficial to growing the brand's overall gold content, but also to reduce marketing costs. In contrast, domestic frequent use of "family event" concept is relatively single, often only the difference will be a trade show division to a separate exhibition pavilion, such as "material series" exhibition of "Stone Show", "roofing materials development "" Lighting Fair, "" Home Hardware Show, "and so on, to a broader perspective on the lack of common ground between Exhibitions.

Case of playback: 1. With the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), wireless LAN WLAN technology such as mobile communications and network development, as well as a new generation of personal computers, chip technology, office automation equipment, home entertainment centers, computer-controlled continuous improvement of technical equipment, and electronic technology business activities in the widespread use of CeBIT in Hanover this year to determine the "business process", "communication" and "electronic equipment and systems," three main themes.

2. Düsseldorf Exhibition Company to establish the theme of "mobile leisure" group exhibition, will be held all year international travel show CaravanSalon, the international water sports and boat show? Boot, Europe, the concept of classic cars and auto RETROMOBILE, international hiking and technology and equipment exhibition TourNatur hiking together, there are close links between service objectives of the leisure travel market.

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