Get an Abs Workout While Sitting Down

I have worked in Manhattan for a while, and recently, I started to notice this strange phenomenon where some executives started sitting on a gym ball, instead of using their regular chairs. So after almost dying of hysterical laughter for a few minutes, I googled it, and saw the light. It turns out it’s good for you.

Whether you spend your desk time at the office, or studying at home for that next exam, office ball chairs can help you in many ways. Check out these benefits of sitting on a gym ball instead of your old boring regular chair.

1. Forces proper spine alignment. Because an exercise ball is not stable, your body needs to try to balance itself on it. The perfect spinal posture is coincidentally the easiest to balance with. It’s almost automatic that your body will align itself to get into proper posture. This helps improve your spinal health, and decrease back pains.

2. Since you are sitting on ball, you tend to change positions more often. This is because you are always trying to balance yourself. For example, if you turn to face the phone, your body will assume a new position. The more you shift, the less damage your body incurs due to prolonged sitting in same pose.

3. Fitness is at your fingertips. One of the best advantage of already sitting on a gym ball is that you can always do quick stretches or workouts without even getting up. If you are ever stuck waiting for a minute or two, you can make productive use of that time with a quick workout or stretch. Since its convenient, you will find yourself doing it more frequently, which will work wonders for your health.

4. Improve your balance. This one is very understandable. Sitting on an unstable surface all day will improve your sense of balance, as well as the reactions of your muscles. You can feel results right away in terms of having a much better overall sense of balance as you move around.

5. Get that 6-pack abs you have always wanted. As you balance yourself while you are sitting on the ball, your abdominal muscles are the ones working the hardest to maintain your balance. Thus, you are essentially getting a low-key abdominal workout. This might not sound like a big deal but when you count the hours you spend sitting at your desk or in front of the computer, the numbers start to count. These hours pile up and before you know it, you start developing that 6-pack abs.

6. It’s great for the circulation. Sitting on an exercise ball promotes good blood flow throughout your body for the whole day. A desk chair on the other hand, reduces circulation to some parts of the body after prolonged use.

7. You will feel more energetic. It’s a fact that if you stay in just one position for prolonged periods, it’s guaranteed you will feel more exhausted by the end of the day, as compared to constantly moving around and feeling more energetic as a result. Using an exercise ball as a chair is a good way to ensure that you will be energized by the end of your working day.

8. Burn calories as you sit! More movement during the day means more calories burnt. If you burn at least 350 calories per day, you can lose at least a pound of fat every couple of weeks. Even if you do not burn 350 a day, the least it will do is to help you keep in shape.

9. Extremely affordable. Specialized exercise balls designed for sitting usage can range from $20 to $90. This is a bargain if you compare it to those Herman Miller ergonomic chairs that can cost you thousands of dollars!

10. It’s really a lot of fun! Who doesn’t like the idea of bouncing around on an exercise ball all day. Work is generally boring, so anything that will relieve it while keeping you in shape, is definitely welcome.

Tabs is a retired teacher who is also into web marketing, promoting a really diverse collection of web sites. If you are looking for a place with the best selection and pricing in jogging strollers or if you are looking for the latest toy transformers for the kids, come and visit her sites.

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