Recording An Acoustic Guitar
Recording a super sounding acoustic guitar is not as simple as changing the oil in your car. In fact, the acoustic guitar is one of the hardest instruments to track. Because, the acoustic guitar makes a wide range of frequencies, tones and timbres. Recording that sonic rainbow requires good gear, good ears and good technique. All this requires patience for the job. Let’s assume that your recording session is blessed with a talented guitarist and good sounding gear and equipment, the first big challenge you will see is finding that ideal sounding room, because where you track the performance is as important as you record it. The enviroment effetcs the sound. To really nail the little things of the acoustic guitar, you need match the musicians style to the room.
If your end result is to record a lifelike sounding portait of the acoustic guitar, your preferred bet is to record in a natural room. Becasue in the real world, people listen to guitars in distinctive rooms and enviroments.
If your not lucky to have wood floors or you are forcd to record in an acoustically departed space, you can liven up the sound by laying a large wooden board on the ground below the guitarist. You should analyze keeping several boards on hand for this definite purpose, as you can stand them vertically on either side of the guitaest to make reflections.
Second to rank only to the constitution and the sound being produced from the guitarist are the placements of microphones. Three parameters need to regulate on how you mic the acoustic guitar. The three things are; The character of microphone best appropriate for the job, which polar pattern is best for the job and whether you are recording in a monanaural or stereo view.
The choice of microphonesselection to condensor or dynamic. Ribbon mics are rarely used for acoustic guitar recording. There more used for electric guitar recording, because of the charactoristics of the ribbon mic. Condensor mics are on the whole the best choice, because there more sensitive. But for agressive rock, a dynamic mic can be used to produce a strong midrange tone that can cut through almost anything.
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