Want to hire musicians from web

The more things change, the more they remain the same. That’s a saying that goes way back and it still rings true today. In fact, it is very true when it comes to the music industry and music marketplace. I’ll explain what I mean by that right now.
Today you have a terrible time trying to find an actual gig for you or your band that will actually pay for the expenses of getting to the gig and doing it and pay for the hire musicians. Guess what? That was the same problem that bands had back in the 1960s when gas was cheap and gear was cheap. Problem is that clubs and club owners are not likely to change. They still want as much for as little as they can get away with. In fact, a good many musicians that have been playing the bar scene for that many years will attest that the money you make today is about the same as it was back then. Only problem is the costs have gone up so you actually make less on the bottom line.
Today you can buy a top-notch brand new instrument for much less than you could back in “the day”. The problem with that is that the quality of that production piece today is worse than the limited runs of the top of the line back then so by the time you pay to have the instrument tweaked the way that you want it, you guessed it. There is big problem to hire musicians. The cost is more than it would have been back in the hay day of rock and roll. So why is everyone so excited about the changes in the music industry and music marketplace if it really is only keeping us at a status quo? That’s the million-dollar question now isn’t it?
The thing is that the advances that are out there do help. You can use networking sites like myMusicCircle to generate work and income and for hire musicians. You can use the computer to access more possible clubs to work at so even though you are only making say $100 a man a night, you are able to work 3 to five nights per week with the research you did online to get the bookings where before you might only work one or two nights a week. So you are playing more and making more even though you are technically making the same. Oh yea, one other thing that has never changed. As a musician we are just never going to be satisfied. We are a creative bunch and dissatisfaction is in our nature dude so go turn that frustration into a hit song!

Read some interesting and useful information on hire musicians. Visit http://mymusiccircle.com/ to know more about music industry.

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