Detection methods and experience capacitor – capacitors, testing, and Technology – Machinery Industry

1? Fixed Capacitor Detection A? Detect small capacitance below 10pF, 10pF less due to the fixed capacitor capacity is too small, with Multimeter Measurement, only qualitative check whether there is leakage, an internal short circuit or breakdown phenomenon. Measurements may make use of multimeter R × 10k block, with two tables document were two random access pin capacitance, resistance should be infinite. If the measured resistance value (a pointer to the right swing) is zero, it indicates damage to capacitor leakage or internal breakdown.

B? Detection 10PF ~ 0? 01 F capacitors have charged a fixed phenomenon, to judge that good or bad. Multimeter used R × 1k block. 2 Transistor values are above 100, and the tunneling current to be small. Other models can be used 3DG6 formed silicon transistor Composite pipe . Multimeter's red and black table document separately with composite pipe Launch Very e and collector c phase. As the composite triode amplification, the measured charging and discharging of capacitors to be enlarged, so that rate increase put pointer multimeter to facilitate observation. Note that: in the test operations, especially in the smaller capacity of the capacitance measured when the measured capacitance pin to repeatedly swap contacts A, B two points in order to clearly see the multimeter pointer swing.

C? For 0? 01 F or more fixed capacitors, available multimeter R × 10k block capacitor directly test whether the charging process, and whether the internal short circuit or leakage current, and according to the size of pointer to the right swing to estimate the magnitude of the capacitor capacity.

2? Electrolytic Capacitor The detection device

A? Because the electrolytic capacitor much larger than the average fixed capacitor, so measurements should be suitable for use in different capacity range. Experience, under normal circumstances, 1 ~ 47 F capacitor between, can be R × 1k block measurement, greater than 47 F capacitance measurement can be R × 100 block.

B? The multimeter red table document connected with negative, positive black table document access in the new to the moment, multimeter pointer that is more skewed to the right deflection (for the same Resistance Block, the greater the capacity, the greater the swing), then gradually turn to the left until stopped at a certain location. At this point the resistance is positive electrolytic capacitor leakage resistance, this value is slightly larger than the reverse leakage resistance. Actual experience shows that the leakage resistance of electrolytic capacitors should generally be in the hundreds of k or more, otherwise, will not work. In the test, if positive, no charge reverse phenomenon, that gauge needles do not move, it indicates the capacity disappeared or internal circuit; If the measured resistance value is small or zero, indicating a large capacitor leakage or breakdown damage can no longer use.

C? For positive and negative signs of unknown electrolytic capacitors, leakage resistance can be measured using the above method of distinguishing them. The first look at any measure leakage resistance, keep in mind the size, and then exchange the table document a resistance measured again. Two major resistance measurement that is positive then the first method, the black table document received is positive, red table document received is negative.

D? Use multimeter power block, to the electrolytic capacitor is used, the reverse charge method, according to the size of a pointer to the right swings, can be estimated from the capacity of electrolytic capacitors.

3? Variable capacitor test A? Hand gently rotating shaft, should feel very smooth and should not feel tight and sometimes loose even when the cable wiring. Will contain the axial front, back, up, down, left, right, etc. to promote in every direction, the shaft should not be loose phenomenon.

B? Rotating shaft with one hand, one hand moving film set light touch the outer edge, should not feel any loosening. Poor contact between the shaft and the moving film variable capacitors, can not continue to use.

C? Will be placed in R × 10k Multimeter block, a hand to pick the two tables document are dynamic variable capacitor chips and fixed terminal piece, one hand slowly rotating the shaft a few back and forth, multimeter pointer should be fixed in the infinity position. In the rotating shaft of the process, if the pointer points to zero sometimes shows moving between film and stator short circuit point; if you encounter a particular point of view, multimeter reading is not infinite but have certain resistance, indicating dynamic variable capacitor between the film and the stator leakage phenomenon.

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