Loss of small body forces do not fully resolve automotive turbocharger technology – automobiles, turbo-charged, and Technology – Automotive repair and maintenance industry

When the more serious environmental problems, people often first think of how air pollution has disappeared, but the cost of doing so is very great, so also there are cars Market On those mixed Power The price of a car than a high. In fact, before the appearance of these hybrid-type major car manufacturers have already noted the car pollution problems, to improve emission standards, the three-way catalytic device installed in vehicles, which are made for environmental protection initiatives, there is a move to smaller cars with large displacement of the driving force, thereby enhancing the combustion efficiency of vehicles, which also makes booster technology developed which.

Pressurization technique is used after the car has a total of three types. That Turbo Technology, mechanical technology and air wave supercharger supercharger technology, today we have resolved for everyone is the simplest and most common turbocharger technology, the other two pressurization technique further in the future we will tell you. As automobile technology

Developing , Turbo technology has also been divided into: single-turbocharged, dual eddy current single-turbo technology and twin turbo technology, principle and process them on the very similar, here we have to resolve one by one as you look.

Here for our first look at the market now Sell Models of the more common single-turbo technology.

Turbo, English name for the Turbo, its introduction is to allow the vehicle engine can not change the bore (displacement) under the premise of the output more power. To achieve this effect and it relies mainly on improving the engine gas flow, thereby enhancing engine power and torque, so the car even more strength.

First turbo technology is used in a variety of car, and as the official tournament vehicles for the race has a limit on engine displacement, turbo-charged the use of technology can not only meet the official vehicle for emissions requirements, but also allows greater power output of vehicles.

Actually use our car turbocharger is an air compressor, car engine is known by the internal combustion of fuel in the body, the heat energy into kinetic energy of a process, that the number of vehicles depends on the kinetic energy obtained in the internal combustion of fuel in the body given by the heat. As the structural characteristics of the engine, so that the amount of fuel inside the engine and help get the amount of oxygen fuel combustion is limited, so in order to improve fuel combustion heat generated by the improvement of the combustion chamber only through the timely content of oxygen and fuel raise skill levels to achieve the effect, so turbo technology also is used to a car engine.

Understand the principle of complete turbo technology, we look at the following on a regular turbo engine What is the process of work.

General Automotive Turbochargers by the centrifugal compressor, radial turbines and intermediates of three parts. Centrifugal compressor with inlet, the compressor impeller, no leaf scroll compressor diffuser tube and composition; from volute turbine, nozzle, impeller, and outlet Road, etc.; the turbine impeller, compressor impeller and gland is composed of a turbocharger on the rotor.

When the engine runs fuel mixture through the intake manifold into the cylinder through the intake – compression – do work – after the four-stroke exhaust manifold out of the cylinder through the outside, but on the waste being discharged into cylinder outside the turbocharger begins play. Exhaust emissions from high-speed door waste, into the turbine and turbine driven rotation of the impeller, the impeller rotating turbine driven compressor impeller also rotate, with the compressor impeller to quickly turn it into a lot of fresh air These are high-pressure air into the intake valve, thus making the cylinder to increase the oxygen content, oxygen content in the fuel to keep the case air-fuel ratio of 14.7 improved cylinder engine working in the heat generated, resulting in the completion, without changing vehicle emissions to improve vehicle dynamics under the conditions of the task.

Understand the working principle of turbochargers and the course, the double vortex turbo technology is like to explain more, usually single-car turbochargers Idle Working speed is 1000r/min, but the basic speed to achieve the best results are at 1500r/min more turbocharger speed increases to the best speed to take some time, that is, the common people by a single turbine Voltage generated by hysteresis. This phenomenon also leads to a double vortex turbo technology use, but here I want to emphasize that the double vortex here said turbo technology and we are even more common in the normal twin turbo technology is are two completely different pressurization techniques.

The so-called double-vortex turbo technology in the structure of the turbocharger essentially the same as an ordinary turbocharger, which is the form of a single turbine, but it is the engine's exhaust manifold is divided into two catheters, and three cylinders in each of the 6 exhaust valve connected to a catheter leading to the turbocharger, disused still in accordance with in accordance with the "1-5-3-6-2-4" order from cylinder discharge, while the two exhaust pipe due to the different time before and after the turn into the exhaust turbocharger, also makes the turbocharger being driven around the two stocks of gas in order to avoid the original single turbocharger The common dynamic hysteresis. The market was packed in such a pair of eddy current single-turbo engine with Volvo S80L and Volvo XC60, as the structure is relatively complex, and therefore also the higher the cost.

Twin turbo supercharger by definition consists of two turbine technology, due to cost and structure of reasons, twin turbo technology is generally used in models with six-cylinder engine, using the twin-turbo technology engine turbocharger turbine and compressor within a bucket with two turbines, alternating through the work of the two turbines to reduce the single-turbo engine power after the common phenomenon.

If we double-turbo engine turbine disintegration we see two ways to connect the two groups, one for the series, the other is parallel.

Series form one large, one small turbine is usually in series with two sets of turbines made of low-rpm response to rapid promotion of small turbines, to transfer torque low-fat high-rpm big turbine intervention, adequate gas flow, power output can be improved; and parallel forms of turbine are arranged in the exhaust pipe of a tie, according to

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