Analysis: Development of real estate will battle Phi green Green Building – Green Building – Smart Home Industry

Dec. 19 at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark concluded. The leaders of 119 countries around the world and the United Nations and its specialized agencies and organizations were present at the meeting. The conference reflects the human response to global climate change in the course of difficulties. Pollution in big real estate is an indisputable fact, experts believe that high waste, high consumption and high pollution development model can no longer continue, then, the "green real estate" will be the new hot topic.

China's efforts to address climate change

As the world's largest developing countries and emerging economies, representatives of China to address global climate change a real contribution. President Hu Jintao attended the UN climate summit, said that China and the world from its own people highly responsible people, has and will continue to unswervingly to make concrete efforts to address climate change. According to statistics, 26 November, the Chinese government had solemnly declared that by 2020 carbon dioxide emissions below 2005 levels by 40% to 45%.

Housing industry should develop green buildings

According to the statistics, China's real estate construction activities, the actual average life expectancy of the building is only 20 years, annual waste generated by construction activities because the concrete has 100 million ~ 200 million tons, most of these wastes are dumped at the garbage the storage yards in the garbage in the secondary pollution caused during the transport of concrete damage to the environment. Many industry experts said, is related to public life, living in the real estate industry should respond to "national firm for making concrete efforts to address climate change," the call, speed up the "green building", "green real estate" development.

With industry experts on the active call, the real estate industry with high waste, high consumption and high pollution development model can no longer continue this model and construction of green buildings is incompatible with the economic cycle, we promote green building, development of circular economy, the need to real estate and construction development paradigm shift to highly efficient, eco-development model up. Deputy Director, Ministry of Science and Technology Committee

Jinde Jun has said that green building is not only safe for people to provide healthy and comfortable life and living space to meet people's physical and psychological needs. And energy and resource consumption the most economical and reasonable, minimal impact on the environment, green building through scientific design, the integration of green configuration natural ventilation, natural light, low power envelope, new energy use, water reuse, green high-tech building materials and intelligent control, etc., with site planning and reasonable use of resources and efficient circulation, comprehensive and effective energy efficiency measures, building environmental health and comfort, sound reduction of waste emissions, and other building features six flexible and suitable features.

Lihai cited the "green living" revolution

Look at the current developers around the country, awareness of green real estate is still relatively limited, not all developers of all projects can be the core concept of green real estate development strategy and planning into their designs. Jinde Jun says that green real estate was a combined effort, and within the construction period and land, energy, water, material use of university resources with minimum impact on the environment and achieve sustainable development in construction industry.

However, Lihai Group has done in the green real estate green real estate is an advocate and leader. It is understood that the specific definition of Hai Group, a green real estate system, which includes a green environment, green culture, green systems, green building four blocks from the beginning of a real estate site selection has been the need for greening plan. According to the Group, said, Lihai all properties for sale are chosen to have the excellent selection of natural ecological conditions of regional development land, property planning emphasis on the effective protection of natural resources, optimization and rational use of existing ecological resources and shaping the organic integration of artificial environment, the establishment of a systematic, continuous and biodiversity, the ecological environment of the system. In addition, Lihai green buildings, will also form through the buildings, structures, materials and equipment selection is the full implementation of national environmental standards, building energy efficiency, extensive use of green technologies and products, the construction of a new generation of green building.

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