Way of state-owned industries bearing – bearing the market – Hardware Industry

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Hardware Network HC: China's state-owned Bearing Enterprise, after 50 years of development, especially through the state, "June 5" -, "during the" introduction of the planning development and technological transformation, so that the formation of a large-scale state-owned enterprises become the main force bearing industry, have a strong technical strength and large production capacity. In recent years, with the rapid development of automobile industry, automotive bearings supporting emerging companies springing up, especially in economically developed coastal regions emerging private, joint venture, is booming, and maintained a strong momentum of investment, but widespread a weak independent development, higher product quality phenomenon. Driven by profit, some unscrupulous companies flooded the market with fake and shoddy products, Kengpian consumers, to cast a shadow over the highly competitive market, brand-name products to state-owned large and medium threat. Market competition, lower prices brought about one another, so that high cost of state-owned enterprises have been only modest profit or lost money. For now, at the bearings industry, market competition, mainly from the competitive forces of the two camps, one side is a new small and medium enterprises, one side is the old state-owned enterprises, because of differences in mechanism of the formation of the same starting line is not synchronized race, while the heavy burden of state-owned enterprises are not match. Of course, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises have their own strengths and weaknesses, mechanism is certainly a very important factor but we can under the existing mechanism of the disadvantages of the state-owned enterprises become advantage? As long as we have carefully analyzed the present situation, countermeasures can be made.

1 Industry Status 1.1 emerging small and medium private enterprises the advantage of bearing emerging companies with the advantage of confusion is the first mechanism, with the state-owned enterprises enjoy the same tax policy cases, the social burden of low employment mechanism live, work and high productivity, can adopt a very flexible marketing means to participate in market competition. Played the card companies cut prices a few state-owned enterprises generally can not use this method. State-owned enterprises has been placed on product quality supervision and inspection of relevant state departments of quality supervision, In addition, the quality of the leadership of state-owned enterprises is relatively high, not because of short-term interests of business to make a public breach of national policy decisions, but only in product quality, service efforts. Although the new mechanism for SMEs the flexibility, but if the idea to use the systems engineering analysis, it is not difficult to find their weaknesses.

Emerging technology SMEs through the imitation phase, after completion of primary accumulation of capital in state-owned enterprises with the help of retired personnel, technical gradually approaching the level of state-owned enterprises, and local areas have empirical breakthrough or innovation move towards capital competition and product innovation competition. At this time, the face of competition, not to imitate, to continue its rapid development, we must rely on companies to innovate themselves, which they continue to develop one of the disadvantages faced.

In technology innovation, service and technical personnel of these enterprises have been unable to meet the further development of enterprises, the old "experts" limited to several years of experience and limited energy, innovation has been there can be substantial, but young technical staff, mostly energetic, but lack of exercise, lack of practical experience. In these enterprises, on the one hand has a will come at their fingertips away the huge talent pool; the other hand, the lack of real technical backbone, innovation is low, often duplication of efforts, it is inferior bis.

In the management of these enterprises have become the complete range of functions perfect "medium" enterprise, the lack of coordination with the comprehensive strategic human resources, in actual operation, often at a loss, and the company can not be coordinated development between various departments, mainly performance of the arbitrary decision-making and investment blindness, staggering waste, restricted the fundamental crux of their development.

1.2 state-owned large and medium enterprises the advantages and disadvantages

About state-owned large and medium enterprises, people first thought is its difficult situation, caused by unequal employment mechanisms were floating officer and contracting markets, inventories, financial difficulties, aging equipment, enterprise-run social and levies to the management of these enterprises miserable. In fact, these enterprises have many advantages, but failed to arouse sufficient attention and use it. Such as to in-depth analysis of their strengths to advantage, will be able to reverse the plight of state-owned enterprises, will become dominant inferior. The basis of scale advantages


Scale production of these enterprises already have, although obsolete equipment, poor accuracy, but as long as to transform, you can improve or improve its accuracy. Such as have been used two or three decades old equipment should be scrapped update. However, from economic point of view, not all of a sudden all the old equipment out, they should be repaired, replaced part of the precision parts, with new technology grafted to achieve economic and practical accuracy should be no problem. This can improve quality, increase the technical reserves, but also to explore business potential, increase productivity and efficiency, which is innovation. Compared with the new company, although more of the cost of a transformation, but omitted that part of the investment funds.

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