SEO Writing Definition – Busting Misconceptions

Although SEO writing is a very popular internet marketing tool, a lot of people are still clueless as to what it really means. Once, I conducted a survey in one SEO forum and got shocked with what people have to say about it. Some think that it’s just all about keywords while others would just say it’s for the search engines but do not really know how the process works. If you’re one of them, this article is for you. In here, I’ll tell you what SEO writing is and what it’s not, so read on!

It’s not all about using keywords

Although the main goal in writing SEO articles is to make them search engine-friendly, SEO article writing doesn’t necessarily mean just using keywords. It’s about impressing both the search engines and online users. Internet marketers must ensure that their articles will show up on relevant listings (preferably on the first page of search results) to get maximum exposure. Then, they need to ensure that their target audience will open and read the articles in their entirety. The goal here is make an impression great enough to get online users to visit a website which link is usually included at the end of the article.

Using more keywords will mean better page ranking

Some people think that overloading their articles with keywords is the key to make it on top of relevant listings. Well, let me tell you now that it’s not the way it works. Google will most likely to pay attention if you use your keywords just twice for every 100 words and if you ensure that these keywords are closely relevant to the content of your article.

Keyword placement has no impact

Where you put your keywords have great impact on your article’s ranking. If you want them to show on top, you need to insert your primary keyword on your title, on the first 90 characters, on the last sentence of your article, and at least once on each of your paragraphs. Your secondary keywords must be sprinkled all throughout your article and they must be at least 50 words apart.

Search engines do not really care about the content

Search engines are trying their hardest to ensure that more people will use the internet. Thus, they’re very vigilant in giving these people with great value. If they find an article to be useless, they’re more likely to ignore it even if it is “properly optimized.” Also, search engines will assign better page ranking to an article if people are linking to it. That will only happen if other webmasters are impressed with the content of the article.

Let me end this article by saying that the surest way to succeed in the field of SEO article writing is to keep both the need of your readers and the requirements of search engines in mind each time you tap on your keyboard. Master the art of balancing good content with keyword usage and you’ll be all set.

Do you want to learn more about article marketing? If so, click here:  Article Writing Techniques

Also – do you want to read more articles? If so, go here: Article Writing Tips

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