Lang: "Northeast corn threatens to further soy footsteps" – GM, Northeast Corn – Food Industry

Although "the Asian Financial Lectures from the Northeast have lost pensions crisis money "is Lang speech in Kazakhstan this a joke, but also because of the experience of that crisis, he has a special economic hegemony on the international experience.

Burst from the speech begins with the design in the U.S. capital, Goldman Sachs, the Greek step by step into the cycle of today's debt crisis and hurt the EU economy an insider, to enumerate the United States through economic means to pressure the Japanese economy to make it into a 20-year low ; killed by the Asian financial crisis, "Asian tigers", fell four "Asian Tigers"; by the Vietnamese in 2005 there were attacks on asset bubble, so that Vietnam collapsed and the edge of anytime, anywhere … … Lang constantly support an assertion: "overweening" The United States has removed the economic rivals.

"Only warning is not sufficient, because the U.S. has shot to the Chinese to start three wars." Lang believes that the United States on September 20 last year, Obama asked: RMB exchange rate to appreciate, exports must be reduced , pulled the exchange rate since the war was launched. After agitation in the United States under the wave of appreciation of the RMB exchange rate rising. Then the U.S. economy can be further spread, if the yuan does not appreciate, the United States launched the second war. Sure, with the tires safeguard the introduction, the United States sounded the opening trade war drums.

"RMB exchange rate increase of 3% is the bottom line." Lang with data on whether the recent appreciation of the RMB exchange rate is related to China's economic development, the Chinese Government's attitude is very clear. In the area of trade with the United States and China also has the ability to battle. Therefore, the United States launched a war?? Cost of war.

2000, the U.S. Monsanto visited China Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Biology, Academy of Agricultural Sciences donate them to a soybean. That this grain soybeans, Monsanto isolated prolific genes and anti-viral genes to produce cheap and 10%, 60% reduction in pesticide use of transgenic soybeans. Today, all over the United States has been genetically modified soybeans in China, and is out of the Northeast soybeans, and therefore control of U.S. companies and China's soybean Bean oil Market pricing.

Lang with concern that another northeast now the main crop maize production will probably step soybeans footsteps. The South has been the introduction of a land price is low, less use of pesticides in the United States, Monsanto's genetically modified corn, about the impact of the Northeast's traditional strengths of products, mainly Feed Raw material The corn market. Meanwhile the U.S. GMO rice production areas also appear in the. From staple food to cooking oil and then to deputy oil, the United States is trying to control China Food The pricing, so as to equip China's food costs.

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