Market transparency: Marketing people? Or a liar? – Marketing, market transparency, marketing liar – Lighting Industry

China Marketing Word of mouth of people is deteriorating image blur?? Very often, marketing people even cheat the same, this is not the author alarmist, but many of the current marketing irregularities and some "pseudo-marketing" under the status quo flooded. On the real marketing people, this was perceived marginalization is a sorrow, we also review the clear understanding that, in fact, sales people and liars not too far away, when marketing a departure from the the fundamental value for our customers, they will cheat from getting closer, the marketing people will gradually become a liar also.

A marketing man and liar not too far away:

Market transparency, information asymmetry is closer to the reality of the distance between marketing people and cheat the market provides a possible premise that when we do not force the upgrade in the product and work hard, but trying the concept through fabrication and exaggeration to deceive consumers in order to achieve Sell Purpose, the marketing people step on to the fraudsters. But this does not seem to be the board who all play in the marketing people?? One hand, the social utility of the standard resulted in the success of the whole impulsive and anxious to undertake the marketing people in such a materialistic environment, is bound to intentionally or unintentionally, The closer to the crooks; the other hand, market development and consumer maturity is a gradual process, uneven quality of the marketing team inevitably some people who could not withstand the temptation of short-term interest, to abandon the fundamental ethical conduct. Non-standard way of thinking and behavior to hide in the marketing of a reasonable system, will result in significant harm, directly affects the market base and sound development of the market, this is the real marketing people must be vigilant, because in the social environment and has become a liar "pseudo marketing people" double assimilation, our distance with the cheater is so close, a little careless, they will slide into the abyss of a liar.

Second, the difference between marketing people and liars:

In the current market conditions, would like to make a clear distinction between man and swindler marketing is not easy but right from wrong, eliminate the false and retain the true, then we must assume the responsibility in this, we do not prevent to the purpose, value, as this distinguish between simple means. From the purpose of speaking, marketing people and crooks have a strong purpose, but were aimed at marketing to the operation of scientific analysis and reasonable means to achieve sustained profits, while the purpose of crook is the use of its weakness by means of deception obtain short-term profits; from the perspective of the value of judgments provided by marketing to meet consumer needs and can create real value of customer or consumer product or service, while fraudsters can only provide the fabled discounted value or even a negative value (due to deceive consumers need to pay extra). Based on this distinction, we focus on the mixed in the marketing team of swindlers who were undoubtedly more practical significance. When we a product as the basis for marketing activities, marketing people is to market research, product positioning, brand strategy, public relations and communications and other marketing tools for consumer awareness, understanding, consumption, use, and ultimately lead to the formation of brand loyalty repeated consumption, in this process, the consumer's interest is real, that product can be used as the interests of effective support, which is conducive to business and the brand consumers trust, is the basis for sound development of the market; the cheater often regardless of products, the actual situation, with fabricated, exaggerated and false lure consumers taken in the interests of points, to seek short-term interests of its market infrastructure damage, disrupt the laws of consumer behavior, consumers losing confidence in the market as a whole.

Third, do marketing people still do liar?

Marketing activities in the normal marketing fraudsters will go the wrong behavior, consumers will be harmed, but will make a large number of sales in the confused and in doubt, under great psychological pressure, but once the basic social responsibility to give up or the formation of thinking, but habits are very vulnerable to market as a whole on the credit crisis dragged the market indefinitely even in winter. We must do our marketing people and liars to choose. In fact, when the whole community to the amount of money as a measure of success, the mixing behavior in the marketing of the crooks will be the inevitable happens, the middle Some have no alternative, and some are pure interest dictates, while the moral system reconstruction requires a process of thinking and habits from a liar to get out is imminent, the marketing people must be based on social responsibility and mission to overcome these short-sighted temptation, by giving customers unique value and to receive social recognition and consumers, this that we can become the premise for the marketing people, but also by the real state of an inevitable return to the true colors.

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