Spring flowers, then PV – photovoltaic, solar, polysilicon – the electronics industry

The opening ceremony and the CEO Forum on March 16 at the Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel Held, attended by government officials, industry leaders and technology experts together to discuss the global status quo with the Chinese PV industry, solar technology and the latest trends and market outlook.

The People's Republic of China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Wang Bohua inspector, entitled "China PV Industry" report analyzes the status of the domestic photovoltaic industry, the problems and the next step to promote the healthy and rapid PV industry development of ideas. He pointed out that the Chinese PV industry is facing unprecedented opportunities, in March 2009 the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Housing and Urban released "on accelerating the implementation of solar PV building applications opinions", the same year in July the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science, Energy Jointly announced the "Golden Sun Capital Management Demonstration Project Interim Measures for financial assistance," These policies will greatly promote the development of the industry. This is also reminiscent of "2009 is a sign of China's PV market start year" argument.

SEM IC hina PV industry analyst MelodySong PV industry in China has also conducted a 2009 review and look forward to 2010 and the future, she believes that the major foreign markets as large-V, polysilicon, Battery Component prices from 08 4 quarter fell sharply, the domestic PV industry in 2009 experienced a spell is the second heaven, because of national policy to promote, in 2009 became the turning point in the steady rise of the PV market. For the future, she suggested a full takeover legislation to protect access to electricity, to give investors a reasonable return, ensure that government funds are in place.

Solar Energy Research Institute Shanghai Jiao Tong University Professor Cui Rongqiang entitled "PV status in the national energy strategy Reconsidered" speech on China's severe and complicated, mixed the energy situation, development trend of world and national solar energy development strategy with a detailed analysis of the data, passionate appeal to solar energy as the country's strategy, proposed a "smart grid solar + energy storage + total energy demand," the layout of this formula, developed across the photovoltaic industry in China type development of clear objectives. His view has been appreciated by the participants, won warm applause.

Market and technology is the photovoltaic industry, the development of two wheels forward, the progress of PV technology naturally attention. Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University State Key Laboratory of Professor Yang Deren introduced early in March, held in Japan in the future of the world's sixth PV workshop, addressing the Japan, Europe, Korea and Taiwan of China PV development projects, the expected technical objectives the market level, and so.

3 quarter of 2008, the global Financial Impact of the crisis, the PV industry investment and the market's rapid growth since 2003, turned down stagnation, in 2009, a quarter of the lowest, Q2 2009, which began to rise. According to DIG IT IMESResearch estimated that the global solar energy system installed in 2009 amounted to 6,101 MWp, compared with only 3.7% in 2008. The global PV market in 2010 will reach 8,590 MWp, up 40.8%. It can be said photovoltaic industry is affected by the global financial crisis least an industry, from this forum can be found, people talk about last year some subtle changes, more to explore Cooperation , Development, technology and costs, the prospects for the PV market view is the same, last year we did "Spring next year, times the people" as a title hopes PV industry and market, can say that this is the PV of the words spring flowers.

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