5 Very Popular Brochure Types

Brochures have always been considered by many as part and parcel of any marketing strategy. People just seem to expect a brochure from a professional and credible company. Hence, a brochure printing is an essential if a business owner wants to make it big in the commercial industry.

But how do you create your own brochure printing? What kind of brochure would be appropriate for your marketing needs? What brochures can you use to market your business and turn your prospective clients into purchasing customers?

Brochures are actually designed to entice and persuade your prospects at every level of the sales process. The goal of any brochure printing is not actually to make a sale right there and then. What it actually promises to accomplish is to get your target clients interested in what you have to offer that they would want to ask more information to be able to make a decision to purchase your product or service.

A brochure then is designed to woo the client so that he or she will end up buying whatever it is you have for sale. The kind of brochure you have would actually determine the influence that your marketing strategy will have on the decision of your target customers. The best and most appropriate brochure printing should adhere to one of these brochure types:

There are five popular types of brochures that work to secure the leads and turn them eventually to paying customers. They are the after-sales-pitch brochure, answer-the-query brochure, post-box brochure, sales-kit brochure, and over-the-counter brochure.

The After-Sales-Pitch Brochure, as the name entails, is the type of brochure that you leave behind to your target clients after a sales call and definitely after giving your sales pitch. This brochure is a free marketing that can influence the decision of your target clients even long after you’ve finished your sales presentation. It is imperative then that you list down all your benefits in full detail when you are writing your content for this brochure type. The sales pitch therefore should be able to summarize to your target clients what you’ve just told your prospects when you did the sales pitch.

The Answer-the-Query Brochure, on the other hand, is given to prospects who are already interested in you and what you can do. These prospects are interested because they are actually the ones asking the questions. All you have to do is to encourage their interest and provide them with the next step – the buying process. Give them the company’s USP (unique selling proposition) and market your benefits in the manner that would convince your target clients that their lives will become better with your products and services.

A Post-Box Brochure is such that you send this marketing tool directly to your target clients via the mail. It often goes together with a marketing letter and other marketing tools in your arsenal. Your Post-Box Brochure actually contains extra features that your target clients will appreciate once they’re looking for more details of your products and services.

As a Sales-Kit Brochure, your marketing tool can be used just like the After-Sales-Pitch, but also as a tool to assist you during your sales presentation. The bigger the pages, graphics and headlines, the better brochure printing you have.

Finally, Over-the-Counter Brochures are the ones that are in full view of the consumers. In short, this is the types that you see just about anywhere – at the checkout counter in your favorite department store; at the cashier’s window at the bank; at the counter of a drugstore; or even when you are standing in line while waiting for your turn to deposit your money. They are very much noticeable because they are displayed right under the consumers’ eyes.

So choose the brochure type you need. Just remember to opt for one that is truly appropriate to the type of business you have – as well as the budget you can afford.

This article aims to provide the reader comprehensive ideas and tips on brochures.

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