How to imoport/convert AVCHD to imovie on Mac with AVCHD to iMovie Converter?

Import AVCHD to iMovie is not as difficult as you think now, with our powerful AVCHD to iMovie Converter, import avchd to imovie is just a little case. Just several simple clicks you will import avchd video to imovie for editing by yourself.

The “AVCHD” is a brand new high definition (HD) digital video camera recorder format recording 1080i*1 and 720p*2 signals onto certain media by using highly efficient codec technologies. The “AVCHD” is jointly established by Panasonic, the brand name for which Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. is known and Sony Corporation.

You can’t import avchd to imovie directly because the iMovie HD, iMovie’08 or iMovie’09 can not support AVCHD files. If you want to import avchd to imovie for edit, you should need a avchd to imovie converter to convert avchd to imovie support file like DV, MPEG2, MPEG4, MOV.

AVCHD to iMovie Converter is one of the best imoive import avchd converter for you to convert/import avchd to imoive. With the powerful AVCHD to iMovie Converter, you can not only convert avchd to imoive, but also can convert avi, mpg, mod, tod, flv, mts, m2ts, tp, trp, m4v, wmv, vob, dat, dv, f4v, asf, etc to imovie.

How to import/convert/transfer avchd to imovie with avchd to imovie converter?

Step 1: Add avchd files

Free download, install and run Mac Video Converter, then click “Add File” button to select your desired format that need to be converted from the “file type” list in the pop-up window.

Step 2: Choose output format: “MPEG-4 Movie (*.mp4)”

Seletc the right profile that can be supported by iMovie, such as .mp4,etc.

Step 3: Convert

When you get ready to convert the added avchd videos on Mac, Click the “Convert” button to start conversion.

Step 4: Importing convertion video files to imovie

Launch iMovie, go to “file > import movies”. Select the converted MP4 video then click “import”.

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