What is the most effective drinking water system
There is no “BEST” filter or system, but there are numerous questions you should ask your self to determine which type of system is greatest for you. You can find also some questions you ought to ask if someone is attempting to sell you a water treatment system. First of all you should determine why you would like a drinking water filtration system. Are you only concerned with aesthetics (taste, odor, etc.), or are you concerned with feasible toxins in the water, which you wish to reduce? These are two really different problems.
For instance, if you are only concerned with aesthetics, then basic carbon filter or counter-top faucet unit may well suffice. A word of warning is in order here: Be certain to change the filters at the appropriate intervals recommended by the manufacturer. If carbon filters are not changed at proper intervals, it’s possible for phenomenon called “dumping” to occur. In easy terms, this is when a substantial portion of toxins filtered out (trapped) is released due to exhausting the capacity of the filter, creating a “chemical cocktail”.
Alternatively, if you are concerned with potential dangerous chemicals inside your water supply such as chlorine, THM’s, PCB’s, organic chemicals, pesticides , lead, bacteria, along with other contaminants, then additional measures are expected. These measures include prolonged-contact carbon filtration, ultra filtration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet, ozone, and treatment with chemicals for example chlorine. Just keep in mind: There is NO INDIVIDUAL Procedure That will SOLVE ALL WATER Problems! Every scenario has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration what the desired high quality of the water needs to be,and also the chemical analysis of the water to be treated.
Carbon filtration is a marvelous method for removing chlorine, chemicals, pesticides and several other contaminants, offering it is applied properly. For instance, you’d not need to put a carbon filter on water that is microbiologically unsafe. This would require chlorination (with adequate contact time) ahead of the carbon filter, or some other technique like ultraviolet or ozonation to inactivate the bacteria.
Some areas have observed problems with cryptosporidium and/or girardia cysts (which are often resistant to chlorine). These small “devils” attack the gastrointestinal tract of people whose immune system has been compromised, and can trigger death. Within the early 1990’s, thousands of men and women turn into sick and dozens died in Milwaukee as a result of cryptosporidium outbreak. You’ll find special ceramic along with other types of cartridges with an “absolute” rating of 1 micron or less, designed to remove these critters.
It may well price some hundred bucks,but be cautious about paying a lot more than that – you possibly won’t get a greater system! Here are quality reverse osmosis systems that aren’t overpriced, and you’ll be able to contact the following organizations for further details: S.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426.4791, or check them out on the web and Water Top quality Association at (630) 505.0160
Mark Timmons “The Water Doctor” has been in the water treatment industry because 1972. He currently is Certified by The Water Qualit Association as a CWS-VI, CI, CSR and has held these certifications because 1980. He writes his “Ask The Water Doctor” column for many newspapers and publications.
Mark is Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for US Water Systems, you’ll be able to understand far more about, and get, reverse osmosis systems on the US Water Systems reverse osmosis page.