How To Correct Your Slice Shot In Golf.
If your slice shot is giving you grief then take a look at these tips that will help eliminate your slice…
1) Strengthen Your Grip!
Chronic slicers have trouble getting their hands rotated through impact. Start by gripping the club in the fingers rather than the palm of your hand. At address, make sure you are able to see two or three knuckles of the left hand. This “strengthening” of the grip allows the hands to work actively.
2) Pull The Rope!
Most slicers cut across the ball on the downswing – they take the club back to the outside on the backswing and cross their plane (imaginary line) to the inside on the downswing. This is what produces a slice. To understand the correct swing path or downswing motion, picture a rope attached to a tree above you. Now, imagine yourself pulling that rope straight down. Take that thought with you to the driving range and try to pull your club straight down when starting the downswing. This also forces the right elbow to stay close to your side – a key to not crossing the line. Doing this gives you the correct inside path and a better ability to swing out toward the target.
3) Shoulders Right To Hit Left!
Most players aim farther and farther to the left to accommodate their slice. This only makes matters worse by opening the shoulders. Your swing plane tends to follow your shoulders. If they are open, your odds of cutting across the ball increase. Try just the opposite. Aim the shoulders as far to the right as possible at address. This forces the swing to stay on the proper path.
4) Swing Around Your Spine!
The best way to eliminate the typical slice, one that is caused by a reverse pivot or sway motion, is to swing around your spine and finish around and to the left. Use “x-ray vision,” meaning to picture your spine staying in a near-perpendicular angle to the ground at all times during the swing. Now, just swing around the center of it!
These tips work best if they’re combined with each other. For instance, achieving the proper swing path won’t stop you from hitting to the right if you don’t use your hands properly as well. Practice each strategy separately in the beginning and then combine them. You’ll soon be saying goodbye to your slice – forever!
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