Uses Of Chemical Peel

In order to resurface the skin to improve appearance dates as far back as antiquity, chemical agents serve the purpose. Cleopatra and other Egyptian Pharos regularly bathed in sour milk of goats to help beautify the skin and this is being reported by historians as a matter of fact. When George Miller MacKee, a dermatologist, began using phenol treatment for scar tissue of the face, it was the time at the end of the last century of modern era of chemical peeling.

Fur traders and not physicians popularized these over the next few decades. At that time, the formulas were considered well-kept secrets. By the remarkable results, these chemical peeling gained attention.

Plastic surgeons have justified the use of chemical peels for cosmetic enhancement of face by their scientific research. This includes the definition of the indications and limitations of procedures and their improved safety and efficacy.

Currently, a number of categories of chemical peeling agents are available for skin rejuvenation and these formulations should be applied by a doctor in a controlled environment. When used in the framework for technical studies, most of these products have proven their value in improving the quality and appearance of facial skin.

The goal of chemical peeling is to remove the predictable uniform thickness of damaged skin. Even if scarring and pigmentation changes are the complications, normal wound healing and skin rejuvenation follow are said to be minimal. Re alignment of the building blocks of collagen in the skin after chemical peeling lead to a more consistent look younger.

Three of the most commonly used peeling agents are:

Phenol and its derivatives,

Trichloro-acetic acid (TCA), and

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic acid.

Chemical peels can effectively improve a variety of skin diseases, such as:

Lines and wrinkles, Irregular pigmentation, Shallow acne scars, skin damage due to sun, Liver spots and Freckling.

Those characterizations of sun damaged skin that are benefited from chemical peel are moderate fine or coarse wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, dilated blood vessels and the scaling of the wound. Skinned patients are better candidates than those with dark skin, because they generally have less pigment. For this procedure, people having excess sagging skin are the suitable candidates as there is an improvement in the skin quality in case of chemical peels but it does not take too much skin. For example lifting eyelids, to remove the excess skin cannot be done as chemical peels will only eliminate fine wrinkles.

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