Fat, Fatigued and In Hormonal Hell?
Most people think that they need to lose weight to get healthy when in truth people must first get healthy before their body can properly burn fat and maintain a healthy body shape. Glands in your body secrete various hormones, which act like chemical messengers that affect every organ and control many vital body functions, including growth, development and the conversion of food into energy.
The hormonal system is an interconnected web where a subtle increase in one hormone can produce hormonal responses in other endocrine glands resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, mood issues and low libido. Some hormones are in charge of fat storage and fat burning, these hormones include insulin, cortisol, growth hormone, thyroxine, adrenaline, testosterone and estrogen. When your endocrine system is out of balance your body can store excessive fat and stubbornly hold on to it, making you ‘weight loss resistant’.
One of the primary hormonal imbalances today is low thyroid function. The thyroid produces hormones that control cellular metabolism and the conversion of calories into energy. So if it is not working properly you end up with weight gain and fatigue. The usual approach to identifying low thyroid function is to measure a hormone from the pituitary gland called TSH as well as a hormone from the thyroid gland called T4. If the results are within the labs “normal” range you are told your thyroid is fine. If your TSH is high and/or your T4 levels are low, doctors many times will prescribe a thyroid hormone such as Synthroid.
The problem with this simple approach to a complex syndrome is that many people continue to suffer from their symptoms even when they are taking thyroid medication, even after their doctor tells them their thyroid tests are “in the normal range”. To find the underlying causes and possible solutions for weight gain and fatigue associated with low thyroid function doctors need to look much deeper with specific laboratory testing.
Chronic stress is a major contributor to weight gain and fatigue primarily through the action of the hormone cortisol. Human studies have shown that elevated cortisol levels from chronic stress are associated with increased appetite, cravings for sugar, and weight gain. Cortisol directly influences food consumption by binding to receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain stimulating the urge to eat foods high in fat and/or sugar. Studies further show that elevated cortisol from stress causes a buildup in abdominal fat. This toxic belly fat has been associated with an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes.
In addition to all of this internal hormone imbalance, research is now finding that there are toxic man-made chemicals in our environment that disrupt your hormonal system. These “endocrine-disruptors” include pesticides, and plasticizers, like phthalates and BPA. Dr. Bruce Blumberg, professor and researcher at the University of California in Irvine calls these chemicals “obesogens.”,-hormone like chemicals that cause obesity. The EPA has estimated there are over 10,000 different chemical ingredients found in cosmetics, food and consumer products. Of the more than 75,000 chemicals licensed for commercial use, more than 1,000 of them are specific endocrine disruptors.
The explosion of obesity and chronic fatigue in our society has now been directly related to hormonal imbalances, much of which is triggered by our massive exposure to chemicals in foods, cosmetics, personal care products and home cleaning products. Do you want to make that change in your life that leads to better health and a healthier body shape? Then live a dedicated green, “natural” lifestyle and consume organic foods to minimize your exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. Make sure that you are only utilizing quality safe green products in your home and on your body.
Also there are more advanced metabolic therapies that can enhance your ability to minimize the effect of these chemicals and even help you remove them from your body. Specific laboratory testing can help you determine if these chemicals are leading to hormonal imbalance and your weight gain and fatigue. A doctor must be trained in utilizing and properly interpreting these biomarkers to make them useful to a patient’s recovery.
For those who wish a much more detailed explanation of this vital issue please see my book “Why We Hurt”. You can also hear me talk on these issues and answer your questions at specific seminars in the Twin Cities, see website for details at www.painandbrainhealingcenter.com. Remember you must first get healthy before your body can properly burn fat and maintain a healthy body shape.
For those who wish a much more detailed explanation of this vital issue please see my book “Why We Hurt”. You can also hear me talk on these issues and answer your questions at specific seminars in the Twin Cities, click Blaine Chiropractic for details at www.painandbrainhealingcenter.com. Remember you must first get healthy before your body can properly burn fat and maintain a healthy body shape. Information is also provided for Minnesota Natural Medicine. Visit now!