General Tips for Puppy Oral Care
Why Puppy Teeth Fall Out – Oral Care Tips
Why do puppy teeth fall out? As a new puppy owner, it can be a huge cause for concern when you find a loose tooth lying on the floor. However, it’s usually not a cause for panic – just like humans, puppies lose their baby teeth as they grow. That said, there are times you need to watch out because losing teeth can be a sign of a serious gum problem in some cases. Let’s look at how to tell the difference between normal and abnormal tooth loss, as well as a few tips for making sure your pup’s teeth stay healthy.
When Puppy Teeth Fall Out
Just like people, dogs have different sets of teeth because they eat different types of foods as they grow older. A younger pup primarily eats soft food. As he gets older, he moves on to solid food and requires bigger, stronger teeth for grinding up solids.
And like human babies, puppies go through a teething period. When the adult teeth start to come through, they start chewing everything in sight, so it’s important to keep plenty of chew toys around at this time is you want to save your clothes and furniture from destruction. Puppy teeth will be replaced by adult teeth between the ages of three and six months, so if you find loose teeth lying around during these times its completely normal.
Warning Signs of Problems
There are signs you should look for that indicate the loss of a tooth is not normal. For example, if your puppy stops losing teeth after six months of age, then you suddenly find a loose adult tooth several months later accompanied by bleedings gums, this is a cause for concern. It indicates that the puppy is lacking the necessary nutritional requirements to maintain healthy gums and teeth. Note that it’s normal for there to be a bit of blood on a tooth that falls out, but you should keep an eye out for bleeding and inflammation on the gums themselves.
There are several things you can do to help ensure your puppy’s teeth and gums stay healthy. For starters, you can get into the routine of regularly cleaning a dog’s teeth. Some people think this sounds ridiculous at first – but you brush your own teeth, so doesn’t it make sense to look after your dog’s dental health the same way?
This doesn’t mean you have to brush the dog’s teeth every day. Once every few weeks will usually be enough. What’s more important is what you actually use for brushing the puppy’s teeth. You should use a product which contains a blend of natural, antibacterial substances like grape seed extract and thyme oil. This help kill off the bad bacteria that lead to bad dog breath and also help prevent plaque build up.
It’s best to start brushing on a regular basis from as soon as the pup gets his full set of adult teeth. You may even want to start before then in order to get him used to the sensation.
I’m currently heading the research staff at VitaHound. Our organization is recognized as a leader in pet nutrition science. It is our industry leading research in dog health that allows us to report on ground breaking methods for improving dog health. Raising a healthy dog includes understanding the proper care of dog teeth from when puppy teeth fall out to helping senior dogs keep their teeth in.