Standard door locks market a new standard in China Information – Hardware knowledge – Hardware Industry

Our new standards issued locks in June 2000, implemented in October 2000. National standard of the original locks with 4. (Including the GB8385-97 "exterior door"; GB8386-87 "marble mortise lock"; GB8387-"leaf mortise lock" and GB8388-87 "Ball Lock" in March 1999 to convert to QB / T3837-1999, QB/T3838-1999, QB/T3839-1999 and QB/T3840-1999) promulgated in 1988, but, with the continuous development of market economy, great changes have taken place in lock products. Enrich product variety, quality and a higher level. Existing national standards and professional standards can not meet the new situation, the requirements on quality and technology locks. In particular, China will soon join the WTO, economic globalization imperative, our door lock products and quality grade must be improved. With international standards in order to narrow the gap with developed countries, is conducive to eliminating trade barriers, increase export earnings, to promote our Lock Development of the industry, participate in international competition. So the original lock standards must be revised, the State Light Industry Bureau, National Daily Hardware Standardization notice centers are issued a document, the four locks on the original standards were revised. And the original marble lock (SG205-80) and exterior double tongue lock (GB8385-87) combined to increase the Metallic Twill (Tiger) exterior door lock to become the standard. Existing light standards enforced by the QB is the revised new standards.

New standards revised principles: on the basis of the existing standards can only increase, not allowed to decrease. Fundamentally reverse the low grade of our products, low prices, technical level of poor and backward state, to take seriously and study, treatment approach, combined with amendments to China's actual situation. In the revision process, different degrees of non-equivalent with U.S. ANSI (American National Standards) British BS (British Standard) and JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) and other foreign advanced standards-based. At the same time in accordance with national laws, regulatory requirements, combined with the actual product in the standard revision process depending on the need for a classification which will be spherical exterior door locks and door locks are divided into two types of A-and B-class, largely a clear distinction between the villas, apartments and commercial housing, the difference between residential units.

New revised standards require a high standard than the original. Exterior door of the A grade, its main index to the British BS5872 standard in the B grade, B grade higher than that in the original standard, but lower than the UK BS5872 in low grade B (Note: the British BS standard than grade B A high grade), spherical lock in the A grade, the main index close to the level of the United States ANSI/BAMA.A156.2-1996 the two locks. B grade major indices ANSI / BA, A.A156.2-1996 levels in the three locks, and higher than China's a big slice of the original standard. So, my revised new standards for locks QB/T2473-2000, QB/T2475-2000, QB/T2474-2000 and QB/T2476-2000 higher than the original standard.

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