Age-related macular degeneration: the higher the age the greater the risk – the pharmaceutical industries

Fundus examination by a doctor to determine whether patients suffering from macular degeneration, and then by fundus fluorescein angiography to determine the nature of macular degeneration. The current treatment of the disease is relatively more difficult.

A person without a good vision, quality of life impossible. Age-related macular degeneration Is a serious impact on vision disease. Age-related macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration, referred to as AMD, is a chronic, progressive eye disease is age-related diseases. What is macular

To better understand this disease, let's introduce what is macular. People's eyes as the camera, the retina is equivalent to the structure of the film, it is a thin layer of the fine structure of the organization, can feel the light projected on it to stimulate and develop visual signals to the brain, eventually forming vision. The size of the central retinal area soybean is macular. Macula is rich in lutein, hence the name. Macula from each structure. It accounts for only 5% of the entire retina, but has an important function. Visual acuity is usually a visual inspection of macular sensitivity. It is a tip the size of the central depression, known as the foveal, is the most sensitive parts of vision, it is mainly played the role of the visual fine to distinguish between a variety of colors, including reading newspapers, watching TV To see distant objects, are relying on the retina in the macular area, macular damage once the human central vision will be seriously decreased.

Macular degeneration Cause sharp decline in visual acuity

AMD common in the elderly is a disease affecting the macula. It caused a sharp decline in central vision, and more occurred in 45 years of age, is caused by Western countries for more than 50 years of age and severe vision loss among the main one, is the world's most important disease of adult blindness. AMD patients as a sharp decline in visual function can not drive, can not read, can not take to the streets, caused by poor visual function in wrestling and Fracture Increase, all of which will lead to patient-dependent increase in the family and society. Meanwhile, the age-related macular degeneration in patients with mental and emotional more easily than normal depression, anxiety and even suicide.

What kind of person likely to get AMD?

All studies have shown that age is a major influencing factor, the greater the age, the higher the incidence of over 65, about 25% of the population suffering from AMD. Other risk factors were smoking, sex, family history, race and nutrition. For example, white people have higher risk; a certain extent, AMD immediate family members of patients with high incidence; with Hypertension , Diabetes High Cholesterol Hyperlipidemia, obesity will lead to higher risk. When one eye with AMD, the 5 years, the other one focuses on developing a 40% chance of the disease.

AMD can be divided into two types of dry and wet. Dry is also called benign type, accounting for about 80%. The symptoms slowly decreased visual acuity, severe visual distortion may have. Fundus examination showed a large round yellow dots?? Glass membrane Wart . Also known as exudative moist, approximately 20%. By the progress of serious diseases from dry, it is characterized by retinal neovascularization following abnormality, such new vessels hemorrhage easily. This type of AMD vision loss is very significant, abnormal growth of new blood vessels, can cause retinal hemorrhage, exudation, edema and scar formation, the destruction of the organizational structure, vision will decrease so rapidly. Compared with dry AMD, wet AMD progress more rapidly, more severe visual loss, and vision will be difficult to restore once lost.

Fundus examination to determine macular degeneration

The elderly if the decreased visual acuity, visual distortion and other anomalies should be doctor immediately. Fundus examination by a doctor can determine if people with macular degeneration, fundus fluorescein angiography and then determine the nature of macular degeneration. Fundus fluorescein angiography by intravenous injection of sodium fluorescein, and then over time, captured in different periods of fundus photographs to determine nature of the disease.

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