Solve the electrostatic problem of screen printing – screen printing, electrostatic – silk screen printing industry, especially

Screen printing is used in printing conductive materials have increased substantially. Some frequently used printers conductive printing material must be very clear on the importance of controlling static electricity. Understanding of electrical knowledge, master the static sense, know how to avoid or reduce static electricity, will be to improve print quality.

Typically, humidity, grounding, static neutralization, scraper speed / print interval time, wire tension and the network distance is effective to reduce or avoid the static factors.

1, static concept Learn from the atomic point of view, Plastic , Paper and other materials are usually neutral. Each atom with the positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged Electronic Cloud and. When the two materials, either through pressure or through frictional contact after the separation of electronic materials will be free surface, resulting in static area. Electronic decrease was positively charged surface, whereas with excess electrons were negatively charged surface, these two materials will be charged with the opposite charge to attract the material around to make the electrical properties of and, if the charged material is conductive, then the electrostatic the Netherlands will soon be transferred to the ground through the material, if the charged material in print, the electrostatic charge will be transferred to the plant surface. If the material is insulator, the electrostatic charge in a few hours, weeks or even months and then gradually left out. Low humidity can easily generate static electricity, because the majority of surface moisture, if there will be a certain conductivity, ambient humidity increases, conductivity increases, thereby reducing the static electricity. Usually in the winter or air-conditioned room, because to reduce humidity, prone to static electricity. If a factory working environment to reduce static electricity, it is best to install humidity and temperature control equipment, which not only effectively control static electricity, and can reduce or eliminate the factors which affect print quality.

Because the entire plant of the same controlled environmental conditions, pre-press preparation time will be reduced, in the constant humidity and temperature, the ink will be known to a certain speed of evaporation, this will reduce the printing , and drying in many uncertainties.

According to the survey indicated that if the work environment is comfortable, stable, and the employees will get better performance, less operating errors. Some of the problems caused by static electricity, even though the same kind of material, due to different printing speeds, its performance is not the same as, and sometimes almost no Reasons to be a problem. Each paper separately in a minute, and then fold together. Since plastic is a very good insulating material, so it static sensitive.

Problems caused by the static electricity, mainly in the following expression: scraper after the departure of agglomeration ink in the Web version, stick together; printing paste materials together, and can not be separated; printing materials can not be laminated together or almost can not be stacked; printing material paste Silk Screen Bottom; automatic presses can not properly feed; operatives electric shocks.

2, Static Eliminator Number of static eliminator to make use of the metal ground wire electrostatic charge neutralization. The two most commonly used conductive metal foil and brush. Static Eliminator is in the air produce positively charged and two negatively charged ion, when any static electricity through the body from here, the corresponding oppositely charged ions with one and eliminate static electricity. Band Power supply Static eliminator bars formed by the power and anti-static, anti-static bar of arbitrary length can be customized to the manufacturer, generally the length and the width of the same material to be processed. Surface to eliminate static electricity has been very easy to get rid of dust, because dust and static electricity will not re-adsorbed to the surface.

Also now on the market whether the static shock eliminator, especially when a transmitter as stained with dust or wet ground accident, while anti-static bar is still working, this device is very effective to eliminate. One advantage of the existing static brush conductive voltage ionization of air molecules, which normally produce high static voltage of high pressure on fast-moving surface, such as high-speed movement of scraper pressure, polyester mesh surface will electrostatic voltage.

Another container type static eliminator can eliminate the static charge within the specified range.

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