Manuscript Review

Life as an Escort: A Volcanic Eruption of Emotion by Todd Rutherford

Ashly Lorenzana’s Sex, Drugs, and Being an Escort is a compelling memoir that reveals a glimpse into Ashly’s life as an escort.

Ashly Lorenzana’s Sex, Drugs, and Being an Escort is a compelling memoir that reveals a glimpse into Ashly’s life as an escort. Ashly tells her story with authenticity, providing the reader with an unbiased, uncensored narrative of her life. A revealing and fearless byproduct of abuse and drug addiction, Ashly’s story is a compilation of journal entries. Sex, Drugs, and Being an Escort is a personal account that will tug at the reader’s emotions, and perhaps, beckon the reader to reexamine his/her total outlook on the world.

Each journal entry has a life of its own, poignant and moving. After reading these entries the reader will know and understand Ashly Lorenzana inside and out. Like an eruption of emotions, this story is at once incredibly honest and heartfelt. Here is a sneak peek at one of her journal entries:

“March 4th, 2008

I feel like I’ve wasted a couple years of my life that I can’t have back. I spent them trying to “get somewhere” with Kevin, because I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. That reminds me…the last time I saw him, he started talking about how lonely and bleak things were for him around the time that we met, and at other points since then. He started to cry a little even, as he told me that I had saved his life. It was precious. I loved him more at that moment than I could have felt love for anything else. So I said: “I think I saved it so you could spend the rest of it with me.” He was quiet for a second, then he repeated my words very softly and just said “wow” afterwards. I am looking for that moment right now. I’m holding onto it as tightly as I held on to him that night, the last time we saw each other. It meant something then, even if it doesn’t now.”

As the story unfolds, the reader discovers more and more about Ashly’s youth. For instance, she spends the majority of her childhood with her grandparents-because her mother is a drug addict. At the age of sixteen, she is diagnosed with major depressive disorder, which is less than surprising to the reader.

Ashly’s life changes when she moves to Portland. Although this move allows her to spend more time with her mother, it’s double trouble. Both mother and daughter bond through their drug addictions, but find themselves clashing when it comes to men.

One important message for readers, especially teens, young adults, and their parents: be careful with and attend to issues relating to depression or the emotional well being of your children. The lack of caring from Ashly’s mother may very well have contributed to the destructive path she chose.

Another message that resonates from Ashly’s story is that all things, even pain and suffering, can ultimately serve a purpose. Ashly’s mother tells her, “that it had to be for some greater good, either within her lifetime or further into the future.”

Ashly’s book is as touching as it is informative. The emotional energy in the book will keep you engaged from beginning to end. It’s a highly recommended, must read!

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Sex, Drug’s, Escort

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