MDAI and What you need to know.

5,6 Methylene dioxy (M.D.A.I) is a drug that was first developed at Purdue university west Lafayette Indiana U.s by pharmacologist and madicianal chemist Dr David E Nichols p.h.d presently the Robert c. and Charlote p. Anderson chair in pharmacology at Purdue university. Nichols has worked in the field of psychoactive drugs since 1969.Whilst still a graduate student he patended the method that is used to make optical isomers of hallucinogenic amphetamines, Isomers in medicene from the greek isos “equal” Meros “part” are compounds with simalar molecular formulas but different structural formulas.

M.D.A.I has been used exstesivley in drug trials to study the very simalar effects between M.D.A.I and M.D.M.A as M.D.A.I is a non nuro-toxic compound.The family of drugs typified by M.D.A.I produce their effects through mechanisms in the body and conseqently produce three distinct cues which animals can be trained to respond to, a stimulant cue typified by drugs such as methamphetamine, a hallucinogenic cue typified by drugs such as L.S.D and D.O.M and an “Entactogen-like” cue which is produced by drugs such as M.D.A.I, M.D.A.I has been found to bear drug appropriate responses in animals trained to recognise the effects of M.D.M.A but not hose specificly trained to recognise the effects of stimulant or hallucinogen drugs suggesting that M.D.A.I and M.D.M.A are indeed very simalar compounds which give rise to their use for reserching the effects of M.D.M.A.

M.D.A.I is still used in reserch trials today and is also labled a designer drug and has become a big thing on the club scene but with nearly all recreational drugs their is a strong possibility that what you buy might not be the compound supliers say it is, two samples tested in 2010 wer found to be contaminated products one contained mephadrone and the other an in-organic compound but niether contained M.D.A.I, people on forums describe the effects of M.D.A.I as being euphoric and very simalar to that of M.D.M.A with doses starting at .30 mg with effects lasting up to seven hours all statments made by people who have experienced M.D.A.I seems to suggest that it is simalar to M.D.M.A whilst M.D.M.A is ilegaland and falls under the controlled drugs laws that exist in most countries which is what makes M.D.A.I such a popular compound for recreational use as their aren’t many controling laws regarding M.D.A.I and its uses by humans allthough actual human trials are not that exstensive their are many chat forums that sugest M.D.A.I and its use as a recreational drug are on the rise

You can buy mdai at the official benzo fury website

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