Zhuji hardware company exports 50% of the first half of negative growth – hardware, hardware companies, metal products – Metal industry

From January to June, the city Textile Products Clothing Exports 766 million U.S. dollars, up 10.8%.

Reporter learned from the Municipality, during the first half of this year, the city's total imports and exports 1.856 billion U.S. dollars, down 12.6%. Exports 1.432 billion U.S. dollars, down 9.9%, export volume ranks No. 8 the province; imported 424 million U.S. dollars, down 20.6%. The city presents an open economy, "stabilizing the good, worry about the good news" situation.

Textile exports to the good overall trends

From the massive export industry perspective, the revitalization of the textile industry at the national textile and apparel planning and tax rate and other favorable policies to stimulate, although the overall trend of growth to slow but good. January-June exports of 766 million U.S. dollars, up 10.8%, 30.2% a year earlier the rate of increase has slowed down, but the decline in the overall situation to maintain growth. Among them, the apparel industry exports 283 million U.S. dollars, up 11.5%, accounting for 19.7% of the city's total exports. Leading enterprises in the new market expansion achieved remarkable results in the city apparel industry exports for obvious effect. Dong Wei Group exports 34,890,000 U.S. dollars, up 183%, of which exports of new and innovative market 15.16 million U.S. dollars in Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia; Adi Prince expand exports to the Middle East market, 1-June exports of 12.06 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 127%.

Municipality of the people, the first half of this year, the state announced the top ten industrial revitalization plan, including the revitalization of the textile industry plan, put forward by continuing to raise textile export tax rebate rate, increasing technological progress and the transformation investment, increase of textile enterprises Financial Support, reducing the burden of textile enterprises, and increase efforts to support small and medium textile enterprises and a series of policy measures to achieve the restructuring and revitalization of the textile industry. Meanwhile, to boost textile exports this year in February and April, twice the national textile and garment export tax rebate rate increase from 1 percentage point shy of a full refund. These favorable policies to effectively stimulate the textile and apparel exports rebounded.

And January 1, 2009, exports to the U.S. after the abolition of quotas, exports of more adverse economic gains across the board socks, sock exports to the United States this year, up 51.8% contrarian. Sara Knight, Dan Jiya, foreign trade companies, export growth leading enterprises large exports of hosiery industry leading enterprises, focusing on the role of market-driven significantly. From January to June, exports of 265 million U.S. dollars socks, an increase of 10.3%, accounting for 18.5% of the city's total exports, export enterprises to 228. The largest export increases

embroidery machine Several features massive economy, the largest export of embroidery machine half highlights. To achieve exports of 132 million U.S. dollars, up 83.3%. Major export market for India, exports 121.03 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 91.5%.

Municipality of the people, in the first half was originally embroidery machine export season, and, after repeated adjusted export tax rebate rate, at present, the export of embroidery machine full refund of the tax rebate already. Embroidery machine as the main export market city in India, since last year, also began to encourage the revitalization of the textile industry, and reduce the embroidery machine of consumption tax. These factors have put embroidery machine to achieve rapid export growth.

Hardware Larger decline in exports It is understood that the first half of this year, the city had 50.9% negative growth in exports of exporters. Because copper prices fell, the city fell more hardware exports. Hai Liang Group, Hong Lei Group, Security Group and other leading enterprises shield tumbled. But some companies grow faster. Guinness Group and efforts like the chemical business grew respectively 47.0% and 60.6%.

Copper prices has led to a decline in exports of processing trade. According to statistics, 1-June, the city's general trade export of 1.25 billion U.S. dollars, up by 7.3%, accounting for 87.3% of total exports of the city. Processing trade exports 182 million U.S. dollars, down 57.1%, accounting for 12.7% of total exports. Mainly because the sea light, macro Lei, processing trade enterprises by the dramatic fall in copper prices of raw materials resulted in significant reduction in exports, but the production did not significantly reduce the volume and profits.

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