Golf Swing Perfection is Alive and Well

Is there anything like a perfect golf swing? As a golf fan, you probably noticed that each of the greatest players in history had completely different swings, yet each of them was successful. Well the fact remains that every rule is not applicable to everyone and vice versa. Even though some of the swing seem so difficult to acive they can be made quite possible only with ones repetitive action of the golf swing. Even if your strike may seem quite out of the way you will be successful with playing golf as you attain your own style with repetitive practice for quite a few years. However, one thing that all the golf players agree on is represented by what you should exercise on when trying to get a particular swing – setup, aim and grip.

A good golf swing is not that difficult to make. Probably what destroys it is a lot of organizing, structuring and execution. You need to start with a solid rhythm. The rhythm will get smoother as you strike a balance between your movement and steadiness. A speedy back swing is what kills your shot. At this stage your coordination between your club and the visibility of the ball will be lowest. You should avoid taking a backward swing and try to move your club behind softly. You need power as the swing goes down and not vice versa.

One need to aim at an ideal feet balance which leads one to a successful golf swing. You need to feel that sensation in your soles. As you turn around to make the move, raise your arms directly proportional with your turn. As the weight of your body is getting shifted to the right side when taking a backswing you need to keep the shoulder and hip movement to the least. The turn of your body has to match the turn of the golf swing. Don’t overdo it, or you will lose the power of the downswing and this will result in poor contact with the ball.

One can get one of the best shots when there is an ideal balancing between the backswing and the downswing. Your downswing must follow the same arc as the backswing. You can even try to place a hula hoop on your shoulders when taking the practice swings. This way you will strike a balance. There has to shifting of your power from your body to your arms and subsequently to the club. You will be able to stop your backswing as and when you keep on practising. Apart from this you need to be very focused to get a proper shift of your weight and power.

Your unique golf swing might look considerably different from that of other golfers but the truth is that you can achieve perfect golf swing if you stick to our golf swing tips and if you are able to produce a consistent, repeatable swing.

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