Ningbo mobile library into being a police officer during World Pok Paul – Expo security, fire safety – Fire Industry

April 29 morning, close to the "mobile library Ningbo City," the blue bus filled with thousands of books with different themes, content, wonderful books, enter Ningbo Fire Detachment authority within the camps. Hand holding a blue-colored men "Ningbo City Public Library," to borrow cards flock, have entered the "mobile library" in the election read their favorite books. Detachment of the political department director Wang Hongyu, Wang Jianmin, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission is also involved in which, together with the officers and men were swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

"Ningbo mobile library" the first fire units arrived, the officers and men to fully experience the "door of knowledge" of facilities. The "mobile library" to bring the book cover to officers and men Military , Biography, psychology topics, literature, social science subject, a new book publishing time, a wide range of content choices. With pre-bid "of the Public Library to borrow card" soldiers can complete the loan process within 10 seconds, one-time can borrow three books, and can renew via the Internet and other operations. Lending to 3 weeks for the period of time, "mobile library" will be on a regular basis for officers and soldiers also entered the Police Organization, for books, so that "by, not from the camp." According to "mobile library" The staff of "circulating library" types of books in circulation and replaced regularly, and read the election of officers and men of the Fire Characteristics of structural adjustment, the human initiative and force the library double owns a concrete manifestation. In order to ensure the normal operation of long-term borrowing activities, training officers and men of good lending practices, set fire forces civilized image of detachment required by the officers and men in accordance with library procedures, but also books, library public resources to care for the period, prohibiting late not yet, negative phenomena such as damage to the page and assign a special person in charge of implementation and monitoring.

Library is the officers and soldiers broaden horizons, increase knowledge and improve literacy in an important position, but due to various objective factors, the library's collection of grass-roots squadrons were usually not more than, and can not update, which a certain extent, restricted the quality of officers and men of learning after school. The "mobile library Ningbo" into being a police detachment to improve the activities of all officers and men of learning Environment Promote the World Expo Fire Security Ideological and political work during an important measure is to deepen the "love of reading, reading good books, good reading," another concrete results. Early, the security detachment for the Fire Expo arduous tasks, long hours, demanding characteristics, taking into account the readiness of officers and men must remain at their posts during the actual situation with the Library Board Ningbo, Ningbo City, Pao Yue Kong Library and other units in close contact Relying on the abundant local resources, build units to study the network to develop a detailed learning plan and go through the city general of the Public Library to borrow card. Ningbo City Library and other units in the strong support of the detachment and the Library signed the "timing, location, quantitative," the flow of library into being a police agreement provided for the officers and men of learning facilities, in order to create a strong business environment to learn Yucai provides resources and support.

Relying on the rich resources of Ningbo detachment correct guidance of officers and soldiers targeted reading classics, Chu Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, as well as political, economic, military, philosophy, history, literature, science and technology, Education Famous in various fields such as Famous, strive to increase awareness. Detachment asked all units to officers and men to write their feelings and experiences, book review, carried out a large study on-line exchanges with healthy cultural occupation of the ideological position of soldiers, armed soldiers with a wealth of knowledge and mind, set off a wave of cultural learning, and further promoted "Learning Police Organization" construction. Meanwhile, efforts to achieve detachment of officers and soldiers "recruited the school, retired or talent," the goal, to create "floating library" mechanism as an opportunity, cultural education under the new situation the police building as police, government police, an important measure for strengthening the police, arouse the enthusiasm of officers and men to join the army building, sustainable development for the troops increased stamina, Heng Jin, to ensure that the central task successfully completed.

Reviewed by: Ningbo detachment of the Wei-Jin

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