Some Tips To Get Relief From Sciatic Nerve Pain
We often refer Sciatic nerve pain to Sciatica. In our body the largest ner is Sciatic Nerve. In the spinal cord it starts from lumbar vertebrae and ends at lower limb. The lower extremities of the patient faces pain and is known as sciatica. A radiation behind the thighs upto the back of the knees is what a per faces when the pain stars from the lower back i.e. the lumbar region.
Inflammation and irritation of the nerve are the results when the sciatic nerve is pressed and causes Sciatica. Due to lumbar disc herniation or radiculopathy there can be pressure on the nerve. The sciatic nerve can be irritated by other causes also. This may be due to irritation from the adjacent bone, muscle, tumors etc. Pain in the nerve can be caused due to internal bleeding, infections, injury, pregnancy etc.
A peculiar type of pain is what we find in the Sciatica. Radiation of the pain is felt in the lower back and upper part of buttock to the back of thigh and back of leg because of the burning or tingling pain. Often we term this as leg pain. Pain remains upto hip or buttock sometimes, which is referred to as hip pain. Unable to walk properly is the result of this, which the patients face. This pain is enhanced due to walking, stooping forward or bending the waist. By lying down on back this may be ameliorated. There may be burning sensation and numbness in the lumbar region and buttock, along with the pain.
The diagnosis of sciatica is done through Straight Leg Raising SLR test. In performing this patient is made to lying on his back. Raise one leg without support is what he is asked to do. If the patient is able to raise the leg above 30 degrees without any pain, it means he is not having sciatica. By raising the leg with the help of hand, when he is not able to raise the leg or when he has pain, the patient is said to have sciatic nerve pain. Test like MRI, CT Scan and Electromyography are some other ways to diagnose.
Below are the tips, which may help you while you are suffering from Sciatic nerve pain. First of all, apply heat and ice pack alternately on the back. In the affected area the ice helps to overcome the inflammation and heat helps to increase the blood flow. This will help to cut down the pain. Some kind of painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen should be taken when the pain becomes intolerable. Here are some, which can be helpful, massage, electrotherapy and exercises. In the back it helps in circulation and relaxes the muscles. Topical analgesic are helpful sometimes. By blocking the pain receptors these analgesics have the capacity to relax the tissues and muscles. From sciatica there is another tip to get relieved from Hydrotherapy. The muscle tissue is relaxed and reduces inflammation when the patient is advised to sit in the jacuzzi. If the patient wants to sit he is advised not to sit on hard or uneven surface. The pain is aggravated. Sitting on the places, which has cushion mattress and proper support, is what they should always do. Bad posture can also aggravate the pain.
Also gather more details on sciatica and sciatica treatment.