Cao Cao's tomb repeatedly stolen Thieves "for" a bizarre local – anti-theft, Cao Cao tomb – Security Industry

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HC Network Security Tomb of Cao Cao where are black bully? History of divergent views, 72 suspected mass graves, outside the city of Xuchang, Zhang River bottom, Dongjak audience … … 1,000 years, Cao Cao tomb of mystery.

Yesterday, Anyang County, Henan An Feng, the West High Point Village II archaeological excavations in the cemetery of this eternal mystery finally solved: The authority of the research, this master of the Eastern Han Tomb is famous Wang Wei Wu Cao Cao! Cao Cao gaoling

discovery confirms the literature on the location of Cao Cao Gao Ling, Cao Cao's posthumous title, he advocated the record funerals system is solid and reliable information.

Perhaps soon, we can see the restored black bully after Cao Cao's true … …

Thousands of years repeatedly stolen An abundance from the Anyang County

Fengle town village west village proceed to West Village, High Point 78 km distance, however. Hsi-men Pao Temple is the seat of fenglezhen, which with the "element and counties with Maps" presumed tomb of Cao Cao Temple in Hsi-men Pao exactly the same 7.5 km west.

High point in the West Village South, a distance you can see two silver steel sheds, site blocking tight, two or three meters of asbestos around herself tightly, pull the rope at the entrance gate, the villagers said This is Cao Cao's tomb excavation site. Plane as a shape

cemetery, sitting west to east, is a double room with a brick ramp slopes coupons tomb, large-scale, complex structure, mainly by the ramp, around the room and four Ceshi form.

Cemetery covers an area of about 800 square meters, with a 39.5 m slope ramp, directly leads to the tomb entrance, 15 meters from the ground. If there is a building, then located in the cemetery on the five-story building's ground floor.

Grave robbers "for" out of "Wei Wu Wang" graveyard mystery

Cemetery tomb identified as Cao Cao, and grave robbers Steal The two heritage-related. "Cao Cao's Tomb," where the original kilns dug a point, was being abandoned after excavation 56 m deep, some villagers in such on the crops. By the end of 2005, poured in a village in this, we found a place to dirty water has been, discovered by the view that there is a hole, suggesting the following may be tombs; over the Spring Festival, it was found that the tomb had been stolen, one after another stolen very serious. The local police station have arrested five batch of grave robbers, 38. In 2008, the Anyang County An Feng, the hands of the police station and seized three of them yielded from the grave robbers Stone, Stone upper part of the "main book car", "Xianyang order", "Ji Liang", "assistant minister" and other words, the lower part necessary condition for battles scenes of water and land plan. Stone inscription from the point of view, a very high standard burial, should be advanced during the Han Tombs. In these relics, the most precious than stone pillow and engraved stone tablets of the Ming. Engraved stone pillow, "Wang Wei Wu Queen," the words of the Inscriptions on stone tablets there, "Wang Wei Wu," the words. Engraved with "Wei Wu King" Cao Cao Shihpai again brushed aside the tomb of the fog. Because the identity of this and consistent with Cao Cao: Cao Cao had done for the king, his son Cao Pi became emperor later, was he bestowed the Weiwu; these two places, "Wang Wei Wu" complete and consistent identity when he died. Cao tomb was broken rumors

There have been rumors that there is Cao Cao Gaochun County on the tomb, grave robbers have heard many rumors in the past two years, like crazy to inquire into the local and brought a gold mine dredged. Matter, this newspaper on Oct. 10 A37 version of "Tomb of Gaochun Jinshan aiming with Cao Cao? "To be reported. Yesterday, archaeological finds tomb of Cao Cao News Conference held in Beijing after news spread, local residents have Gaochun Jinshan applauding: "Cao Cao has finally solved the mystery of the tomb, the tranquility of our lives, and grave robbers should not come harass us. (According to Zhengzhou Henan Commercial Daily Evening News Chengdu Commercial Daily reported)

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12 27, Henan Province Cultural Relics Bureau, announced by the Expert Research confirmed that a Han Tomb in Anyang in Henan for the Cao Gao Ling. An abundance in Anyang County, Township, Village, West Village, the high point south, two large blue steel shed is particularly conspicuous, surrounded with walls, towering entrance Camera At any time Monitor Each staff in and out, there are more than hand-held micro-impulse of the police patrol. Layers of security systems, as Cao Cao's tomb to protect it.

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