START-UP STRATEGY – Stop Lying To Yourself And Start Accomplishing
If you are planning on becoming an entrepreneur, the first thing you need is a start-up strategy. I am going to give you 7 start-up strategy secrets that will increase your chances of success ten times or more.
Secret 1: Stop lying to yourself and start accomplishing.
For everything that is said and done, so much is said and so little gets done. I frequently receive email from people telling me about their business ideas. Most of these email messages read exactly the same. They tell me how great their idea is and how easy it would be to do. These people aren’t looking for my advice as much as they are hoping I send them back a message telling them how great their idea is. I always reply in the same way. I ask them, “What actions have you taken towards making this happen?” Most people who talk about their ideas are just looking for validation from others telling them, “You are so smart and cool for having such a brilliant idea.” They are never going to take action or do anything about it. They are lying to themselves. The reality is that because they have never taken any steps toward their idea, they have no clue as to what it would actually take to accomplish it. Believing it would be easy makes them feel better, and lets them believe it would be easy for them to be a success. The entrepreneur is a person of great action and little talk. If you truly have a great idea, take action and make it happen.
Secret 2: Know it is possible and find the way yourself.
As I said above, you are going to have to take action, and as you do you will discover all kinds of things standing in your way. There are no problems. There are only challenges. For every challenge that you discover standing in your way, know that there exists a solution. Know that there is no one more excited about your idea than you. Because of that, no one is as motivated as you are to find the solution to that challenge. Know that there is an answer, it can be found, and take the responsibility to find it yourself.
Secret 3: Understand the difficulty reward connection.
There is very, very little that is truly impossible. The fact that something is difficult only makes the reward more valuable because it is available to less people. If you want easy, sell lemonade during the summer in Las Vegas. It is something that anyone can do, and that is why you will not make much money at it. If you want to be as wealthy as the top 5% of the world, you will have to accomplish something that 95% of the world cannot. You don’t need to work harder that the other 95%, just be smarter that the other 95%.
Secret 4: Ready, fire, and then aim.
You will not know all of the roadblocks until after you start your journey. Without action, you get nowhere. The most powerful part of your start-up strategy is that it starts with action and then self corrects as it is moving. It never stops and is always collecting more information as it fine tunes it’s direction. An entrepreneur operates like a guided missile. A decision is made to hit a target and the missile is fired in the general direction of that target. As the missile is in a state of continuous movement toward the target, it collects data on the target and adjusts its course to ensure hitting that target.
Secret 5: Get out of bed every morning for 3 reasons.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. You need to keep a list of 3 things you are working on to bring you closer to your goal. Each day you will take action on each item, and because of it each day you will get closer to your goal until you achieve it. Think of this as your “Challenges List.” If any item on your list cannot be done in one day, that item needs to be broken down into smaller steps that can be accomplished inside of one day. An example of a bad list item would be “write a book.” This will not actually happen in one day. Break it into multiple steps that can be done in one day. Start off with, “Decide what I want to write about. Go to a bookstore to look at similar books already published, taking notes on things I see that I find interesting. Write a chapter outline for my book.” Then write down your list of what 3 things you will get done the following day. Baby steps.
Secret 6: Failure is a requirement.
The biggest factor keeping people from success is the massive failure that it requires. One of the most important things any successful entrepreneur will tell you is that most of our ideas never work. In fact, very few of our ideas ever turn profitable. Keep your motivation and realize that successful people fail more times than the unsuccessful. They never give up and when things finally work out, it’s all worth it. The fastest way to increase your rate of success is to increase your rate of failure and learn something every time you fail.
Secret 7: You don’t know what you don’t know, but others do.
Once you are in a continuous state of action toward your goal, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Chances are good that whatever roadblocks you have hit have been hit by other travelers. The chances are also very good that some of those travelers have written about how they got past those same challenges and posted that information to the internet. Part of your start-up strategy is discovering how others got past the same challenges. If you would like to know what I have learned as an entrepreneur, you can download my free eBook Domination Basics at the below web link.
Drawk Kwast is a life coach who has been recognized by Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Worth Magazine for his ability to transform his clients’ desires into reality. His methods have been called unconventional, and he makes no apologies as he tells you how to dominate the competition at work, attract the most desirable women on the planet, and ultimately achieve a fulfilling life.