Half-priced pampering

Getting a massage, your hair done or a having a facial is a luxury for many. Often – especially when times are tough – we tighten our purse strings and cannot justify an hour or two of pampering and beauty therapies. What’s unfortunate is that these are the times when we most need our shoulders rubbed or nails done!

Pampering ourselves can be just as much about making our hair or nails look pretty as it is about taking time out of our day to do something for ourselves. And the best news is that daily deal sites are cutting down our pampering costs, with local beauticians, hairdressers and masseuses opening up their doors at reduced prices and offering beauty and well-being deals that are too good to be passed up!

Why? Beauticians, hairdressers and masseuses are taking advantage of daily deal sites, which harness the power of collective buying. These sites offer businesses the chance to sell their product or service at a drastically reduced price, by only activating the deal if a certain number of deals are bought. That way, it’s a win-win situation for everyone! Beauty therapy and massage daily deals in Australia are some of the most popular going around because people can spend money on themselves without having to break the bank.

Examples of pampering deals

– 85% off a teeth whitening package at Broadway Dental in Sydney.
– 73% off a Christopher Hanna hair package in Sydney
– A 1 hour massage for $39, valued at $105 at Just the Spot in Preston, Melbourne.
– 3 detox sauna sessions at Body Essence in Mornington, just outside of Melbourne.

With daily deal sites, you’ll be able to purchase vouchers for massages, haircuts, facials, laser hair removal and other beauty therapies for a significantly reduced price – usually at least by 50%!

Whether you’re looking for daily deals in Melbourne or any other Australian city, you’ll be sure to find some half-priced pampering to treat yourself with.

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