The Science of Getting Rich – A Book Review

The science of getting rich is not easy to implement unless you happen to have the most amazing luck and manage to buy the winning lottery ticket, or manage to gamble your way to wealth. If that is not your plan you need to set up a business to become rich. All great entrepreneurs and engineers, be it Steve Jobs or Larry Ellison or Miss X, have all become rich by setting up a business of their choice and inclination. But having the talent and setting up an associated business is not enough. For your business to flourish you need to work hard. Not only that, you need to have discipline and organization which are key aspects of the science of getting rich. Only disciplined and organized pursuit of your goal would keep you focused, bring results, and thus make your business work. If your business does not work, how will you get rich?
Discipline is an important ingredient of the science of getting rich. Even the smallest task such as sticking to a workout schedule, getting to work early, or staying away from spending too much requires discipline. So, how do you discipline yourself?
All said and done, discipline is nothing but merely sticking to certain useful habits. In kids, brushing their teeth is a discipline. Once you are adults it no longer needs to be considered as a discipline since it is a habit. Similarly you need to consider other things which will make your business work a habit. These include getting up early and going to work; never postponing what you could do today; being professional to your clients and employees each and every time you interact; spending less than you have and only on necessary things etc. These simple qualities could be habit forming. You could start by setting small mile stones (one step at a time) and then work your way towards converting these tasks into habits. Once they have become habitual (persistence is the key here) you will have disciplined yourself. This is a main theorem in the science of getting rich.
Organization is the other important matter in the science of getting rich. Keeping record of your data, your emails, your client lists, the things to do, and having them at your finger tips will help a lot towards making your business work. You need discipline for organization. Other than that, what you will need are file folders and time tables. Use file folders to separate and organize your papers, requests, client orders, and other details (same goes for your emails). Use time tables to prioritize your work and to make sure that you attend a client presentation in time with all preparation as well as ensure that you deliver your project on time. Prioritize. That is the key.
The science of getting rich involves only three words – hard work, discipline, and organization. If you have these three you can make your business work and get rich irrespective of the hardships or challenges you face.

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