Lifting the bridge's main heavy industrial high-tech products Jiangong Xu Yunnan – Xugong heavy cranes – construction machinery industry

Lifting heavy bridge's main high-tech products Jiangong Xugong Yunnan

Lifting heavy bridge's main high-tech products Jiangong Xugong Yunnan

7 6, Heavy Xugong to "good faith efforts Jiangong Yunnan" as the theme of high-tech products cluster field ceremony was held in Kunming, the total value of more than 4,000 million of 16 units Crane And the formal delivery of two concrete pump users in Kunming. The event attracted 262 customers southwest provinces.

The event also received leadership attaches great importance to Kunming, July 5 in the afternoon of the Standing Committee of Yunnan Province, Kunming City Kunming secretary of hatred and led by leadership and the group headed by Wang Min, chairman of the company leadership to meet, Qiu and Wang Min, secretary and chairman of the board conducted a thorough and pleasant talk, the afternoon of July 6, Kunming Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor Search of Environmental Elements, deputy director of the municipal economic commission, the public dismissed deputy chairman of Li Xiaoyun invited to attend the 2009 Xugong Clusters of heavy high-tech products and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

7 6, high-tech products cluster handover ceremony, Wang Min, chairman of zest, heavy Southwest Xugong Marketing Soldiers made: "won the Southwest, advancing South-East Asia", which can be understood as a Southwest this year Xugong heavy incentive market is climbing, but the deeper meaning is that a forward-looking strategic vision is taking shape.

According to last year's data, Xugong Truck Crane In the national market share of 56%, Yunnan market reached 60%. Currently, Xugong heavy on the market in Yunnan Province has more than 70% market share.

Wang Min, chairman of talking about, even in the absolute superiority of market-area businesses are still promising. Southwest grew very fast in recent years, Southwest customers in very rapid development, customer representatives to attend the event, said in an interview, Southwest has the potential projects is endless hand, today is the most important thing is Wang Min, secretary of the speech, as mentioned, as have earlier volume, have advanced the vision, the strength of the strongest savings, dig in the Southwest's largest pot of gold.

Event, customers Xugong heavy products to a very high rating, product hand-over ceremony, the 3000 value of 14 million belong to Kunming crane hoisting companies into China's Gong Chenghua on behalf of the family, of which 300 tons the first time in Yunnan. Gong Chenghua said that this was his first with the heavy Cooperation . To this end, he did some very heavy and detailed investigation, he found that Xugong 300 tons, 240 tons all terrain crane market several years ago, and withstood all the tests, not only the products have already reached a mature stage in the service and technical support and unique advantages, small and medium tonnage of conventional performance, best quality. In addition to cranes, XCMG truck demand is also endless, according to local pump Sell Personnel, in the first half sales in Kunming is the only pump twice the same period last year.

Ceremony held in two weeks ago, 300 tons of heavy Xugong, 240-ton crane had been committed but the bridge from the main task of lifting. In Kunming, Ju-Hua Interchange Rebuilding Project site, 300 tons and 240 tons of bridge cranes Hoisting great scene, attracting many customers to watch the rain Kunming is an interview with local media, according to on-site person in charge of the introduction of such a large Equipment is the East Second Ring Road Extension Project in Kunming have been crucial to the most critical stage in urgent need of such high-end advanced operating machinery, construction of Kunming to provide effective assistance.

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