Subconscious Mind Power – Three Set Blocks to Avoid
Subconscious mind power, the power of the mind beyond your conscious being, is vast. So vast indeed that it could help you overcome the direst of obstacles and win you the best of your abilities. It is the power that dictates your body and your action in absence of a conscious decision to do otherwise. It is the source from which intuition springs, as does talent, and what you would call luck. It can bring joy to your life when unleashed. It could also bring sorrow and discomfort when blocked. You would achieve a lot if your subconscious mind power is not blocked by thought patterns such as the ones below.
1. Dwelling On Your Failures – You must learn from your mistakes. But dwelling on them, wishing you had done better would only decrease your subconscious mind power. It does not help you in any way. It only makes you feel negative. Instead let go of them and think what you could do better and then do it.
2. Worrying About Your Future – Honestly what can it do? If by worrying you could make your life easy and your future bright then the most successful people would have been the people who have worried the most. But it is not so. It is the people who have concentrated on the present who have achieved great things. Even if you do not want to be great, even if you just want to be happy, worrying won’t help. All worrying really does is bring down your subconscious mind power.
3. Thinking That You Don’t Have Enough – Thinking that you don’t have enough would set a lack about you which would be much bigger than the actual absence that you have. It affects your thoughts, makes you negative, decreases your subconscious mind power, and all in all decreases the quality of your life. Instead, looking at what you have and working with it will bring you happier results.
Your subconscious is a realm of thoughts. It is an abstract realm but with power to affect your mind and through it your actions, and your life. Being a realm of thought, it is also affected by negative thoughts. Worries, inhibitions, harmful thoughts affect your subconscious negatively. And a subconscious thus affected won’t let you reach it, let alone use its potential. It would be like trying to burn a log which is wet and green. It wouldn’t catch fire but would smolder and cause smoke. To use your subconscious mind power, keep your thoughts and frame of mind positive. Purge the negative.
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