Wireframing the Skeleton of a Website
Just like in our body structure, the skeleton is the basic requirement, in web site design; wire framing is the basic structure, the starting point of the concept of the web site. A wireframe is the fundamental blue print that outlines the important idea and functionality. As the skeleton of the web site, it the most important and basic thought around which you develop themes, add designs, graphics and animation.
When developing any web site the developer starts with a concept, and then interacts with the owner, who has asked him to build the site. Invariably it is noticed that after every review the owner wants to add or delete some aspects in the site. New ideas crop up and he feels that it is time to put these ideas also in the site. Thus the site gets totally changed. Starting with a wireframe is of great advantage to take care of all these aspects because these ideas and add on are only branches or ornaments that enrich the site. Sometimes the physical view of the frame work by the owner generates in him thoughts that he had missed earlier. All changes can be easily made in the basic frame work. Making a wireframe thus is a method to save time, energy, and money.
Many times, basic wireframes are used as default frames for a series of web site developments. Once a basic wire frame is accepted then it becomes easy to develop the wire frame to suit different end products and end users. Basic wire frames are also used to make multi pages in the same web site.
There are many software packages available to help the web developer to make a basic wire frame. In particular, there are now online alternatives to desktop software packages. Some of these online alternatives offer real-time collaboration which makes it easy for teams and clients to work together to complete a wireframe.
Thus wire frame making is the first step for any web design. The wireframe allows you to make changes add on new themes, add on new text, add on new pictures, add on new pages and make modifications in color and appearance of the web site. You can also change or add animation and sound to this basic wire frame. All these changes can be made with practically no loss of time and thereby save money by agreeing to them with team members and clients before development begins.
About the author
Dav Gra is interested in the latest trends of search engine optimization, as well as software which allows real-time collaboration for distributed teams. He regularly uses this iPad flowchart app as a flowchart generator to mock up websites, create flowcharts, and brainstorm with mind maps.