Companies Began To Change Their Business Models
Beginning with Netscape, companies began going to public before they demonstrated profitability. The dynamics of company creation changed from building successful enterprises to making a quick killing through initial public offerings and stock options.
The impact went far beyond the financial markets. Companies began to change their business models to make themselves more valuable in the eyes of the market. Rather than taking a job that put them on the first step of the corporate, investment banking, or consultant ladder, graduates of MBA programs chose to work for Internet companies flush with cash from venture capitalist that backed any concept with dot-com in its name.
The desire to profit from online MBA in India technology and the changes in the business environment went beyond the world of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. Two companies that have become poster children
for the darker side of the Online MS In IT are MBA In IT .As the both firms continued to operate in uncharted territory, it became clear that management and boards of directors lost sight of their responsibilities to customers, employees, and shareholders.
As it turned out, all that spending on technology and telecommunications generated a boom that dramatically altered the business and financial markets. Venture capitalists and entrepreneurs achieved the business and financial markets with the help of online MBA programs. Ventures and entrepreneurs achieved celebrity status, as did the equity analysts who touted the stocks of the companies they created. Valuations reached what turned out to be absurd and unsustainable heights.