How To Generate Network Marketing Leads
Whatever company you are involved with, as an MLM marketer you cannot get away from the fact that if you don’t have enough leads coming into your business, you will not be very successful. We will be solving this problem with the information in this article.
This strategy really does rely on consistent action in order to gain momentum, but you should be generating leads after just a few days. The idea is to come up with some useful content (articles in this case) that will provide benefit to those that read it. You need to provide some good value for your readers, it’s a chance to get them interested in you before they ever even visit your website, it’s also an useful way of gaining more exposure for your website and helping with search engine rankings.
Here is a quick outline of what you should do
1) First up, make your own website (this isn’t difficult). You are best off going with a self hosted wordpress blog. They seem to be well liked by Google and are also easy to get up and running. Preferably it should be self hosted ( and will mean you getting your own domain and web hosting account. Personally I think using the free services like and is not the best way to go. It’s not as secure and all your work could be wiped out if there was even the smallest problem with your content.
2) Create an opt in form or box on your website. This is where a visitor can enter their name & email address in order to receive further information from you. You will also need something to offer your visitors! So this could be an eBook or make a video training of some description.
3) Write an informative article, choose a subject relevant to your niche. Perhaps it could be about a network marketing company or something giving practical advice on how to achieve a specific task. The main thing to bear in mind is that it must be giving good quality information to your end user.
4) Proof read your article and make sure it’s free of spelling errors. There’s nothing worse than reading a badly written article, it will lower your reputation in the mind of your readers. Then post your article on your website.
5) You then need to publish your article on some article directories, find the ones that get a lot of traffic so you get the most exposure. Submit your article to say the top 10, or more if you have the time, make sure you link back to your original website, using the anchor text for your keyword.
6) The final part of the strategy is to make a short video that promotes your article. This can be a simple screen capture where you make a brief announcement that you have written a new blog post and giving a few reasons why someone should read it. You are allowing the viewer to get some value from you before they visit your site. Then publish your short video to some of the big video social sites, sites like YouTube, Metacafe and Daily Motion get a lot of traffic.
You will need to be consistent with this system as I mentioned before, set yourself the goal of producing one new piece of content every day for the next 3 months and you will watch as your business grows dramatically.
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