Understanding and Dealing With Lower Back Pain
Up to eighty percent of Americans have experienced lower back pain in one form or another during their lifetimes. This kind of pain typically will be noticed as aches that in some instances can prove to be excruciating, and even sharp enough to totally immobilize a person.
Without understanding the cause of lower back pain it would be hard to figure out the best treatment. A major contributor to this problem is when a person is carrying an excessive amount of weight on their body, which can cause strains and injuries. A person who is overweight will be more prone to suffering from lower back pain. There are several other causes of lower back pain that have been identified, which include improper mobility in the hip region, poor core stability, and improper technique when doing weight training.
In today’s society, we tend to do a lot of sitting and this in turn leads to the freezing up of our joints. The result is decreased mobility in vital areas of the body including the ankles. When the ankles lose mobility, the body looks for added mobility in the knees. This is not good for you because the extra load on the knees affects the lumbar spine where the possibility of developing lower back pain is the greatest.
One of the best ways to prevent lower back muscle pain and upper back pain is to exercise this part of the muscular system on a regular basis. This can be accomplished by performing simple calisthenics or by being involved in a weight lifting program that incorporates lower back strengthening exercises.
There have been innumerable innovations devised to help treat back pain, including massage machines and various pain relief programs. They all promise to release stress, tension and discomfort, therefore relieving back pain. You would have to try them out for yourself to find if they are effective for you. However, be sure to discuss any treatment plans with your doctor before proceeding.
Severe lower back pain can be a debilitating condition, and unfortunately it’s widespread in today’s society. Learn more about what causes back pain and how to treat it effectively at Back Pain Management.