Best Acne Solution For Better Result
Many are in search of the best acne treatment. Acne could be a problem which can interfere with confidence. Treatment types are many however the home remedies are first tried by everyone.
Very few treatments are available to get a cure from acne but they can fetch good results at times and there are few which can turn out to useless. Expensive treatments are available which turns out to be useless as there very few who can afford for such expensive treatments. Home medicine can be as effective as store bought products but the results will be achieved only on a slow place. Home solution can get you a better response to acne at the comfort of your home and it need not be expensive.
An effective potion can be made out of essential oils from stores for acne conditions.These oils can be easily applied on the acne directly regardless if it is a sensitive skin. The commonly available oil for acne treatment includes sandalwood oil, rose hip seed oil, lavender oil, primrose oil. Ice can also be used to diminish the size of the acne at home. The inflammation is reduced by applying ice and hence the pimples goes away as a result. Another home remedy is to mix cold milk with nutmeg powder and to apply it to the affected area to bring down pimples.
You may not believe it but it is the fact that toothpaste is also an other acne solution which can be used as home remedy, buy some plain white toothpaste and dab little on pimple and let it so for a night, you can find the inflammation reduced more next day morning. The magnesia milk is also best for quick acne treatment. Rather than taking this internally you can dip it in a cotton ball and apply on the pimple directly. Milk of magnesia once dried can be rinsed with cold water and this procedure is followed for three consecutive days to see the acne going away.
More breakouts are caused because of squeezing a pimple which will led to spread of infection. Breaking of pimples causes black marks, red spots which will not go away easily and they will remain as scar. Hormonal changes can also cause acne problems and improper washing of face can lead to the problem being aggravated, Visine drop is said to have major effect on acne problems once applied on the face and this brings down the acne as well, drinking plenty of water in empty stomach first thing in the morning also brings down acne.
Know more about acne solutions and quick acne treatments.